Monday, January 31, 2011

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Sottocornola: second lesson of 'A Night in Italy'!

continuing lessons -concert of the 'philosopher of the pop' dedicated to 150 years from the Unification of Italy and identity cultural country, with the involvement of students on February 8 meeting with songwriters

Third University

Liceo Mascheroni are pleased to present:

Claudio Sottocornola

A night in Italy

... themes and directions of the Italian songwriters ...

hours Tuesday, February 8, 2011 15:00 to 17:15

Auditorium Liceo Mascheroni
Via Alberico da Roscia 21 / A

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 15:00 - Auditorium Liceo Mascheroni - Claudio Sottocornola present the second meeting of the new round of concert-lessons dedicated to the theme of 'national identity . The project A night in Italy was established with the aim of celebrating - in new and original way - the 150 years Unit of Italy, while avoiding any drift rhetoric. Prof. Sottocornola, Professor of Philosophy and History in Bergamo, will examine a significant part of our identity linguistic, cultural and social today, with - as so often in his performative studies on the pop - best episodes of the popular Italian song the last fifty years, which - like the television insulted - the unified way of speaking and thinking .

In the second meeting of the lecture-concert 'philosopher of the pop' - so the press has dubbed the multifaceted Lombard man of culture - will analyze the repertoire of the best songwriters and the scenario that has accompanied and inspired. The triptych of classes will end on March 8 at the Woman's Day and then the theme The evolution of the female image. Supporter and special guests of the students of Liceo Mascheroni , also involved as a performer.

Again methodology Sottocornola uses key to reading the 'pop' , in this case the Italian song to study and disseminate key challenges in our history. L ' Italian identity is characterized by a priority of the cultural dimension , compared to the social and political spheres. The problem of language , from Dante to Manzoni, involved in a different way and intellectual people, triggering a search that has undergone rapid growth in the second half of the twentieth century . From the '50s onwards, the world of popular song , for example, together with television programming, unified and partially approved not only the language but also the 'collective imagination , impacting profoundly on and social changes of costume, from all youth revolution' identity of women. Through archival footage, listening and execution of -live tracks, text analysis and historical contextualization , Sottocornola aims to cover this wonderful journey , dealing with students the repertoire of Italian songwriters , the best episodes of the '60s and '70s to contemporary music. Friday, February 18, always Auditorium Mascheroni, the professor will give a reply exclusively for its students, entitled The called Bocca di rosa .

Other events: Friday

18 February 2011 11:00 to 13:00 hours

Replica exclusively for students

Auditorium Liceo Mascheroni

Tuesday 8 March 2011
15:00 to 17:15 hours

Auditorium Liceo Mascheroni Bergamo
; ;


Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Already Love You Sara Lov

Irma Records 2011

Warm and seductive, melancholy and taste good. The soft voice of American singer-songwriter Sara Lov in his latest recording project I Already Love You embraces the soul of the listener with grace and energy.
The presentation of the disc opens with these words: "We are moments in life where words are not enough, but sometimes a song can say everything. "Often, the music or song can bring out such strong emotions that otherwise we would not know how to express. Sara Lov has a painful past that has found solace in music and luck. This second effort is devoted to the interpretation of all light that moves on the strings of a guitar ( Hold Me Now Thompson Twins and the Just My Heart Talkin Ron Sexsmith) or strings ( Square Heart Black Heart Procession), but able to penetrate.

Someone may turn up their noses hearing about the cover, but the ten tracks are left feeling all in one tight, the voice of Sara is really exciting, fresh and alive. The music she used, including stripped from the rock or the structure that we remember, they find a new light. Think There Is A Light That Never Goes Out Smiths , serene and sublime. Between folk ballads from knowing there are small discoveries as Winter Is Blue singer / songwriter Vashti Bunyan, and gifts that are not expected as the interpretation of the doll Patty Pravo. Just his interpretation strikes, always herself yet different, able to deal with the masculine and feminine with an edge of Patty Pravo, with an energy that has the depth of female sensitivity and able to be reborn as an Arab the phoenix tracks.
The tone of voice and his way of hearing a song referring to colleagues as Georgeanne Kalweit or Vanessa Peters, in Italy we think of the young Chiara Raggi. Again with the production of Zac Rae, Sara Lov packs a hard convincing able to be heard at night and the whole volume, because there are many notes that it is able to play to our heart.

Francesca Grispello


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Red Swollen Hot Elbow No Pain

The former KGB Tour: missed four appointments with the most irreverent Groovy Rock!

Continue the Tour of the explosive ex-spies headed by Mike 3rd, creator of the operation beneficial in support of Greenpeace and AIRC: stop the Divine Comedy, return to the Monkeys, SabotageBar concert with Tony Levin and The Garden Club

Friday, February 4, 2011
DIVINE COMEDY Via San Donato, 47
Torino - hours 21:00

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Via Cardinale Ascanio Sforza, 49
Milan - 21.00

- -

Friday, March 11, 2011
Sabotage BAR
Via De''Industria, 14 Vicenza


Sunday, April 3, 2011 Opening
Tony Levin
THE GARDEN CLUB Via Cao's Pra, 82
Lugagnano - Verona

at 21.00

Five more missed appointments with the 'Rock Irreverent Groovy of The Ex-KGB. The band, which recently launched its new and appreciated the hard Putin, continues to tour in support of Greenpeace and AIRC . Torino, Milan Vicenza and Verona opening of the legendary Tony Levin are the first dates to be followed by others. Three days of rock healthy and good music . The dates are: Friday, February 4 the Divine Comedy of Torino ; Saturday, March 5 return to Monkeys of Milan Friday, March 11 Sabotage Bar of Vicenza; Sunday, 3 April 2011 opening for the Tony Levin The Garden Club of Lugagnano Sona (VR). Once again, hard weekend will be burned by flaming rock of The Ex-KGB.

The Ex-KGB are also pleased to announce the national distribution ;
( Memories - The Feltrinelli - FNAC) the new disk I Putin : The disc is also on sale at gigs and the cost is more than 7 Euros. 3rd Mike is also the developer of Seasons Charity three songs Hypnoise, The Ex-KGB and the couple Cheryl Porter / Mike 3rd in support of Greenpeace and AIRC. The sales proceeds will go to 100% to finance Greenpeace. 100% of sales of the 3rd single by Mike feat. Cheryl Porter will support 's AIRC, the association known for years that supports research on cancer. Individuals are sold on iTunes Music Store just 0.99 € each through Veneto West Records of Los Angeles independent label led by Ronan Chris Murphy who participated with joy conviction and all 'initiative.
The Ex-KGB:

Synpress44 - Press Office:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sample For Community Service Hours

Under-13 - Hurdle Angera passed without any problems!

ends up on the score of 67 to 47 in favor of Piranha challenge against Angera home, suffering from low albizzatese part of the team that after imposing the first break (21 to 4) controls the entire race without any problems thus giving ample space to those who up to this race has played less.
Now, after the intermission Join the Game (3vs3 tournament to be held Sunday, January 30 from 15.00 in Gorla Maggiore) which will involve two of our teams, we will have the last visit to the lair of the battleship Azzate and finally the last home game against Comerio. In both races we will do better of going! Piranha
So, given that the best is yet to come, alleniamoci in the best way!

Monday, January 24, 2011

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Beginners: Albizzate - Motrix Cavaria 45-50 Too many gifts and get the defeat!

Despite the good match played between the walls from friends Piranha l’esito finale ci vede uscire sconfitti di soli 5 punti contro la discreta formazione di Cavaria.
Il primo quarto siamo subito protagonisti grazie ad una discreta difesa e alla nostra velocità anche se sbagliamo sin dai primi minuti dei canestri davvero semplici; nonostante questo chiudiamo il primo periodo avanti di 7 lunghezze. Il secondo quarto, complice anche la fisicità dei nostri avversari, facciamo un po’ più di fatica ad arrivare a canestro, ma soprattutto siamo tanto distratti in difesa concedendo così ai ragazzi in maglia bianca di rientrare in partita all’intervallo lungo (24-22).
Nel terzo quarto siamo più addormentati e distratti che mai e incominciamo a sciupare un sacco di palloni in attacco, al contrario Our guests, at this stage spirited and very reactive, and we do not give anything to the sound of hammering counterattacks so as to obtain a partial 10-2 and closed with this fourth ahead by 7 points (34-41).
last quarter, when everything can seem to define, it turns out once again the grit and the heart of this group, with each passing minute piranha gnawing at the important points to get to -2. And 'only by a couple of oversights that we give a couple of balls to our opponents who do not forgive and mark three key points for their victory.
To point out the really great and hard-fought game played by both sides, for the Piranha is the regret of having made too many mistakes in nearing completion.
Now we have to work hard during practice to prevent more such carelessness.
(13-6) (11-16) (10-19) (11-9)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Under 13: Great show at Palawhirpool; Piranha defeated, but above Basketball Varese. (Final result 64-60)

Sunday For those in a thick fog has decided to follow the Piranha nell'insidiosa trip to Varese, where at noon on that very field has played the match between Canterbury and Varese, can only confirm what was written at the beginning of this comment. It would be pointless to write a sentence is not true!
would be nice to tell every second of this game, but would be ten pages of comment and so I just write what follows!
First quarter: the Piranha from the first ball two put us all they have to prove that they did not come on a trip, but far from it! Thanks to an aggressive defense and really super responsive in crisis put the home side, who lost every time reference of attack going to always end in a forced and more than one occasion, lost ball, Thurs Gio and friends take advantage of good time scoring heavy points and closing the first period on +9 (11-20).
Then in the second quarter we have a steep drop in concentration, perhaps the excitement, perhaps because of some forced rotation begin to spoil all the good done in the first quarter, I understand the difficult time despite the time-out and scored only in Occasionally, too the grim little defensive, too many lapses committed, so that the hosts, thanks to their speed and using the factor field, are becoming increasingly confident grabbing the first draw, then even surpass it, in any case try not to lose too much ground from Varese, but nothing more we can and end up in the second period of no less than eight lengths (42-34).
interval comes a sound scrubbed against the Piranha, the reaction has to come we can not give a victory in this way ... There
Palawhirpool resubmitted on the floor of the same five players for the first time to try to stem the strength of the red-white , but the first two minutes are being investigated for both formations and marks on both baskets, the third minute of play, again with 8 points to be recovered, all this is added a foul on Giò Giò falling badly on his right ankle while remaining on the ground, it is feared the worst and it limped conspicuously leaves the field with tears in his eyes to the pain ... in the eyes of fellow who says you can glimpse the cloud "and mo?" act now on the bench a medical team to try to revive Giò Giò, we rely on field Micky and Manu under the planks, as we entrust the direction of Tommy B. and two children Tommy and faith, when everything seems to go wrong here is the prompt reply branded Piranha Albizzate: speed, stamina, defense, rebounds and guard, five ingredients that late in the third quarter take us back to -3 points thanks to all the players on the field, but especially to the determination of two small (52-49).
While the medical staff continues to work, we start the last quarter, giving breath to Tommy B. Goofy for a so far still too tight and we believe you fight for every ball, but the weariness in his legs begin to feel and still makes some careless defending accompanied by some stupid foul, while in attack because of too much desire to reach at least a draw, we conclude forced rebounds and failed to take home that we suffer a break to -6 pulling them five minutes to go. But here Giò Giò reappeared cubed ready for change and to give everything in the last minute.
The Piranha is now in racing trans: do not feel tired from the beating he suffered pain, and they try to the last, and that's just a good ball into painted to Giò Giò concludes that receives and easily to the basket, get it wrong, but the good bounce Micky brings us to -4; in defense but unfortunately let slip a bounce leaving an easy shot to Varese who do not forgive. Our two children Tommy and Faith, this very evening in a state of grace, and there are two similar actions are sought, and run as two sharp blades penetrate the area leads to -2 in a minute and a half from the end.
Time-out home: never Varese would think of being in this situation, and so I take this opportunity to preach peace and better manage every single ball on offense. But we know that on these occasions it is difficult to curb any kind of tension, because we have more than one ball to break even and even to overtake (2 fouls and 0 / 4 from the foul line), but to no avail, and of course the first attack we repulsed a white red -4 to 40 seconds from the end. We have the ability to manage at least one attack was right and so we ball in the middle of the unforgiving and Giò Giò -2 marks when there are 25 seconds. This time we work well on defense, causing a crisis who has the ball as possible +4 blatantly wrong and that there can be called more or less half the field when the clock marks 17 seconds. But if the hosts have resoundingly lost the ball in the previous year, we do much worse wrong step on the last throw by granting a fateful break that condemns us to -4 and defeat (64-60).

Unfortunately the result on paper penalizing us because we lost, but other than that we have to be satisfied for the value that we showed on the field.
A team of a village of 5000 souls who submit to Palawhirpool, flies above 9 points, sinking to -8, gets up without its leader in the field and riagguanta draw, play with the elements under age 5 (on the other all part 1998) and threatens to storm the fortress Varese

only regret: he wanted to compete in the race with an official and not an official home!!


Monday, January 17, 2011

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Beginners: Albizzate - Comerio 67-35

Within the walls of the Piranha friends do not disappoint and even against the scaled formation of Comerio bring home another important victory since the first quarter the boys in blue jersey with a commanding race good pace of play and a good defense, on offense, despite the 67 points scored, but still too bloated from all points of view, rebounds, shots easy and counterattacks. From place entirely during the next training.
The next test will be Friday, 21/01 against the formation of Cavaria: it will be an important game to test our preparedness and not waste all the work done so far!

(28-0) (5-12) (18-5) (16-18)

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FIRST DIVISION: right first!

We good these first two points in the opening game home, saving a fair trial defense, in addition to an equally good strength of character of the group.

But beware !!!!! There is' need to get everyone to have a great collective where you will be able to have a high level of play in all rotations of the alternations in the field.

For this we must work hard on the offensive plan, where 54 points scored at home are very few. (Percentage of 32% from the field and 23% for free), added to a low speed.

awaits us work to improve our weak points and I believe that growth will take away a lot of satisfaction.

Greetings to all.


PS To see the points go to the website of the individual players in the First Division, standings and scores.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is There A Rainbow Puffle

FIRST DIVISION: Official Debut

Our first team debut

FRIDAY January 14 at 21:00