Monday, January 31, 2011

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Sottocornola: second lesson of 'A Night in Italy'!

continuing lessons -concert of the 'philosopher of the pop' dedicated to 150 years from the Unification of Italy and identity cultural country, with the involvement of students on February 8 meeting with songwriters

Third University

Liceo Mascheroni are pleased to present:

Claudio Sottocornola

A night in Italy

... themes and directions of the Italian songwriters ...

hours Tuesday, February 8, 2011 15:00 to 17:15

Auditorium Liceo Mascheroni
Via Alberico da Roscia 21 / A

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 15:00 - Auditorium Liceo Mascheroni - Claudio Sottocornola present the second meeting of the new round of concert-lessons dedicated to the theme of 'national identity . The project A night in Italy was established with the aim of celebrating - in new and original way - the 150 years Unit of Italy, while avoiding any drift rhetoric. Prof. Sottocornola, Professor of Philosophy and History in Bergamo, will examine a significant part of our identity linguistic, cultural and social today, with - as so often in his performative studies on the pop - best episodes of the popular Italian song the last fifty years, which - like the television insulted - the unified way of speaking and thinking .

In the second meeting of the lecture-concert 'philosopher of the pop' - so the press has dubbed the multifaceted Lombard man of culture - will analyze the repertoire of the best songwriters and the scenario that has accompanied and inspired. The triptych of classes will end on March 8 at the Woman's Day and then the theme The evolution of the female image. Supporter and special guests of the students of Liceo Mascheroni , also involved as a performer.

Again methodology Sottocornola uses key to reading the 'pop' , in this case the Italian song to study and disseminate key challenges in our history. L ' Italian identity is characterized by a priority of the cultural dimension , compared to the social and political spheres. The problem of language , from Dante to Manzoni, involved in a different way and intellectual people, triggering a search that has undergone rapid growth in the second half of the twentieth century . From the '50s onwards, the world of popular song , for example, together with television programming, unified and partially approved not only the language but also the 'collective imagination , impacting profoundly on and social changes of costume, from all youth revolution' identity of women. Through archival footage, listening and execution of -live tracks, text analysis and historical contextualization , Sottocornola aims to cover this wonderful journey , dealing with students the repertoire of Italian songwriters , the best episodes of the '60s and '70s to contemporary music. Friday, February 18, always Auditorium Mascheroni, the professor will give a reply exclusively for its students, entitled The called Bocca di rosa .

Other events: Friday

18 February 2011 11:00 to 13:00 hours

Replica exclusively for students

Auditorium Liceo Mascheroni

Tuesday 8 March 2011
15:00 to 17:15 hours

Auditorium Liceo Mascheroni Bergamo
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