Thursday, August 2, 2007

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officially announced that the team in its entirety to the new blog here GioSport


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Volleyball Ribbons Ideas

Victor Rho - lifeblood Inzago 13/05 / 2007 - 21:15 68-70

We take leave to our large audience with a performance of heart doing our best.
a shame the end result that does not do justice to 'efforts this year' s in training and matches in FIP, "by first class," which led us against all odds (though we knew we could play until the end) to finish second, playing with the chance to win the championship.

'll see the 'next year

soon for some photos

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

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penultimate section

Victor Rho - Inverness Soi 88 to 44

We give 44 to Soi!

All 'went from 72 to 67 for us on Sunday instead of trimming the double points that fail to fit, playing well.
The victory on Sunday expressed throughout the year now ending: growing!
If we reflect for a moment, few months struggling to bring home a positive result against teams of PGS, which expressed a shocking game, but we do not play at all, today we play with speed and ease!

Whatever happens Sunday, the last decisive game to decide who will be the first in the standings, we showed our true
value this year. Hello and Thank


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

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Here we are WINNING!

PSFN 75 - Victor Rho 40 to 55

starting from the contents competitive strengths: a headstart and kept my distance for most of the game, but the measure increases and decreases continuously as a kind of elastic. squander an advantage of 10-15 points over the third quarter ending in just a handful of baskets.
still struggling to rebound and keeping the beat goes on tours we can take a decisive break in the last village that makes us celebrate a new victory.


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CM Basket Cassina - Victor Rho 74 to 69 & Victor Rho - Eureka Monza 65 to 45

Cassina A, we bow only to shame

Already from the first minutes of the game that we understand will be a tough fight, because the opposing team rather than trying to beat us playing brutally beating and begins to rant against our vulgar.
But the team remains in the lead and held until the game after a clash between our player and them, 's start to bleed, and from that moment we receive insults, articulate aloud the remaining time before our "death", with explicit physical threats and with the 'referee, which I fear, did not bat an eyelid, leaving much of the opposing team can not insult us without giving either a technician or call for calm.

eventually lose, the climate is too hostile to play it as we know, we send a letter to the federation because it is possible that such incidents happen in a second division league, but the player who most insulting is disqualified for one day !!!!!

Breaking Monza without too much trouble

meet the team in Monza, that all 'round fought for only one point, this car is different, the players of our team in the field are more or less the same as 'gone, but we changed to the game and speed. At the end of twenty
win without sweating too much.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Imitation Lombardi Trophy

! 7 ° 8 GAMES TO WIN! 8 ° 9 TO WIN GAMES!

Baskett Vittuone - Victor Rho 35 to 58 & Victor Rho - APL Liss 20-0

We give 23 to Vittuone, but without too much effort

Us first to return with safety to win, given the "deep" result of 'round, then play without tension, but the technique is on our side and eventually, in a match played rhythms on' training, which seek more affectation than substance, they trimmed 23 to Vittuone.

Opponents fear not occur

Thursday receive the call until 22:15 (we played on Sunday at 19:30), or changed daily or not present (in a somewhat 'arrogant), we seek a solution, but in the end, we accept the second.
20-0 and practice match for us at home, here's the photo (no Tore):

Video Massi basket: here it is!


Monday, March 5, 2007

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Victor Rho - Milan '76 PSFN 80 to 76
steamroller Victor

performance throughout this substance for Victor that even after an injury after losing Bobo 7 'race after remaining in the whole game (even controlling the opponent at a safe distance), having had three players out with 5 fouls and many unsafe with 4 (although Oscar has made it 7 because the referee awarded them in masses because of his jersey ruined .....) .. in other words put everything into the cauldron, including even that we face in a compact team with defense and a couple of players that really rarely wrong (especially on 9 !!!!), but we raised a fighting spirit and a pride worthy of leaders able to remount and pass in the end lead to little or nothing wrong ..
But when we have a big dust Magoo (the decisive 2 +1 to 20 "from the end), Mark and Piggy who silently make it 29 in 2, mass that is the only one to keep us afloat by 6.25 (Single bomb, given the turnover of "misterpiazzalabomba" Benny), Tore and Cone to make mass under the basket and get rebounds, and Manu Ale completely drugged and in form and Oscar in "Who echilostoppailsuotiroorizzontale "........ we can beat it?

short, PSFN presented with only one defeat (against Inzago remedied), but winning with Liss, so made two accounts at the end of going ...
U.S. Inzago tied with the leaders, but direct confrontation in favor !!!!!!!


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Ardens Sedriano - Victor Rho of 16/02/2007

The match started in the best possible way with a 12-2, then lose the thread slowly
hank. As often happens we become nervous
some calls of the referee and make them pay more attention to the game that ...
in this climate we can no longer manage the meeting and we lose the balls
important. Close the second quarter down by two (29-27). Unfortunately in the field
coming under a bit 'too much turned off (that night I was a bit' too !!!),
the opponent makes us nervous and we end up less than 8 in the third quarter. The last quarter
we play better but can not find a benefit from the opportunities ... ends 62-53 for
Sedriano. Too bad a good opportunity to redeem the lost game
in house 1 (with a refereeing scandal!) And coming, perhaps, second
in the group.
But turning the page ... new joys await us!

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!! 5 ° 6 GAMES TO WIN!! PGS

SOI Inverness - Victor Rho 67-72

Only 5 points?

E 'is the question we posed at the end of a match against Inverness a lot closer to playing father and son rather than a meeting of the second division.

A good first quarter lead with the right intensity but with some carelessness in defensive rebounds allowed us to go straight ahead while maintaining a detachment often above the double digits.

The young scions of Inverness have applied consistently by their pressing game and a defense for a man not always clean in operation but that often allowed him to put in great difficulty as our ball carriers last quarter, when, now rewarded with a good advantage gained, let us press zonpress a compelling but not less than three minutes has sucked 8 points! Thankfully in the last two minutes some of them do too much and a couple of penetrations made successfully allowed us to bring home the victory.

One negative note of the evening, conducting arbitration! A young "arbitressa" that often seemed to be the situation, too far away from the game and not inclined to give the proper penalty in the match in great moments, however, boys 5 ° win over 6 games so what do you mean?

speed ahead!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

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FIP 62-53 4 th 5 th game victory !!!!!!!!

GS Forces Inzago Lives - Victor Rho 58 to 59

9 The team, made no mistake and passed in a flash Inzago.

The start of the race is all about brand Inzaghese. Their game is no surprise given off by the speed and the continuous search for lightning fast play and fast break, we lost and we end up in the first period of 5 (18 - 13), recovering a bit 'in the final.

Gradually, however, we trust and we can organize ourselves better curb their speed on defense and showing off a good attack, and then back into the match thanks to a shot "at-carelessly-calculated" by Emanuele just past the half court (he says he diligently concentrate during practice, so now I understand his problems with diagrams, on a night to think like score from midfield, however I really do not I remember by heart one of his field goal from that distance) to the 'Last Second of the 2nd period, gnawing the advantage even if small, 27 to 28, the first to catch my breath (and with this adversity would need a rest between 40/60 minutes) , in the locker room with a partial period of 9 to 15 for us! In the 3rd period

Inzago continues to run and press start to 'far-fetched, but without being able nell'aggancio. We on our part, however, engage the fifth, reaching another partial positive end of the period of 11 to 13 for us! We ask the board oxygen tanks, but no there are not for sale.

return to the field for the 'last time knowing that it will tiratissimo, they are objectively very strong, but we have to do it, we play to win, we play for eternity and who retire from the struggle ....

strong start, the (almost) large group of opposing fans encourages our adversaries, (we do not have anyone behind because of time constraints and distance, beginning at 20:30 in game, as I said, Inzaghi), defend strong in attack and speed, 'We're not that competitive spirit! Thanks to the amazing free throws
BOBO's perfect (huge), and we keep the advantage.
still leaking some ball, but Max puts on a ball that weighs a lot, in the retina (on free throw), when there are a handful of seconds at the end of the match, then their counter part but the weather and their lack of precision under the basket, play in our favor, the game is 58 to 59 for us! (4 th period 20 -18 for them).

The team, as never happened before, getting together and embracing on the pitch, for joy, we know we have made a firm, VERY LARGE!

coach after the beginning of the year declared doubts over the possible developments in FIP, said speaking on various radio stations dedicated basketball, they are still in disbelief for what he saw!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

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4 ° 3 ° FIP Victory !!!!!!!!!!! PGS

Victor Rho - CM Basket Cassina 71 to 58

A lot of the numbers right:

10 degrees outside

20 non-paying viewers look forward to fun

21 hours and 15 the minutes of the contest which gave the "la" to a game ever made of the competitive tension 71 points against the mistreatment of enemy 58 suffered

14 the number of top scorer

90 kg its unlikely that a realistic but slips gracefully between opponents definitely weighing on the final result

50 percent is the percentage shooting, but

and 20 more assists to open a new era of gaming

3 shots from 3 focused our 8 and 12

2400 seconds of the game that 20 spectators thought happily as they returned home, accompanied by only 8 of 10 degrees ... that they had found the next one!


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SSAV Nerviano 95 - Victor \u0026lt;! WON!>

After just forty-eight hours after the game against St. Hilary returned to the scene of the crime to play a new game against PGS Years Verdi Nerviano.
to report, rather than the final score (if I remember correctly about +30 for us, but I could be wrong), stands out the slew of technical fouls and bench taken from each of our team (5 total?), In addition to expulsion and one of our removal from the bench of our coach.
the essay says, in 2 games days can cause permanent damage to the nervous system, then if the risk of injuring yourself during the first because it is not always protected by the referee, but in some cases, also penalized (after the first three minutes of play in the first quarter we were already with the faults on the rump-bonus !!!), and you have thought of the evening game (FIP, our real challenge this year), it is obvious that you have to do is try to maintain control in the best way. always preach peace and quiet, but above all I want to remember that ...
... we won again (against all odds)!

personally greet the children of the opposing team that probably such behavior were definitely better than us. hopefully next time we can get really fun everyone, without third ruining the "show" ... or, better yet, the game that we are passionate about.

to all sailors, stay tuned more on these frequencies: there will still be fun!


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Hilary NERVIANO - VICTOR RHO / B from 54 to 46

Arbitration shockingly biased, I have nothing further to add, if someone wants to, comments as well.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

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PGS Tour de Force weekly


This week begins our passion, 3 games in 4 days!!

begin Thursday evening at the home of St. Hilary (PGS Championship), continue on Sunday at 17:30 at the home of 95 SSAV Nerviano (Always PGS) and ending Sunday evening at 21:15 in PalaSanCarlo against the CM for Cassina Basketball Championship FIP, we expect a cheer beyond expectations!

Monday, February 5, 2007

What Does Hiv Do To Stool

3 ° 2 ° FIP Victory !!!!!!!!!!!

It was only grenades and machine guns to shoulder for the rest ... it was a battle ..
all begins with the actual presence of 8 (Piggy and Tore on vacation, Coach, Max, sick Tony, Oscar and Magoo, but each with a Mass in the end it's more than 15 stab ....) followed by the non-arrival of 'referee and the choice of playing however with a "referee" at home
(a child of 13 years son of some players) because our aim is to go out and have fun together!
Opponents (taking a boy of 20 years) had the average age on the door ... and as-elbowed and pushed us beat .. but apparently not far from
report ;-)))) 'Start suffer their game sharp and take 5 or 6 points miniparziali struggled on offense.
In the second quarter we recover (finish above 1) and then the third ... riaffondare A 5 'from the end of the spectrum there appears driven in but that would be gained against a team widely affordable .... but this Victor thousand resources unable to resume until at 40 +2 " Mass for cramps from the end when it is officially useless, and at last it seemed that nobody wanted her to win this match ..
They mark a clear, 2 but we do make mistakes as long as we take 2 to 7 rebounds "from the end of their response does not even see the iron and we can rejoice!
The fact remains that we do a lot of effort to be self-administered !!!!!!!! ! But no matter more, and we enjoy the second win !!!!!!!!!!


Partial: 11-10

1st time 2nd time 3rd time
9-12 8-8 4
12-11 ° time

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1, Part 2 FIP defeat!

We had all give 120% to win this game, we gave "only" 100% and we did not ...
front of us we had 10 guys who normally compete for the Under21 league of excellence (or along with the best teams in the Lombardy region 9 of the same age)!
I guess as an encouragement it was for us, but how many shirts (or uniforms) we had to sweat!
first quarter with their star player that square 4 from 3-point attacks taking advantage of the well made and so little time to sink slowly - 15 to mid 2nd period.
Then we started playing and taking advantage kg more tightening up policy in defense and bite to the sound bounces off guard and attack .. We find ourselves at -10
4 'from the end, requires us to engage and we can get up to -5 to 1'e30 "from the end but then a couple of oversights and bring us their baskets until the final

1st half 2nd half
24-12 19-14 14-19

3rd time 4th time 12-14

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Can I Check Gift Wrapped Presents Under The Plane

part 1 FIP 1 ยช Victoria, 4th Consecutive!

We get to playing Victor Rho - Baskett Vittuone, valid for the FIP championship, after a good run of 3 match, in which we improved our play from game to game.

start strong and without any hesitation, we begin to pound opponents, having failed to respond.
In 2-stroke central rebranded our superiority, although with a few mistakes too many under the basket. The

sqaudra, merciless, fly on 68 to 36, and closes them the race, the morale is high and the desire to keep winning is a lot!

Other positive notes: spectators in the stands at every game that increase more and more and typhoid rampant in some of our former classmates.

Next match: APL Liss - Victor Rho 26.01.2007 at 21.30 mb

FIP1.2 FIP1.3 FIP 1.4 FIP1 .5 FIP1.6 FIP 1.7 FIP1.8 FIP1.9 FIP 1.10


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

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Sunday, 21/01/2006 - Part One

part of our Sunday League Second Division FIP.
In parallel we will continue with our "Italian Cup", to borrow a football term, ie the championship PGS.

The premise of quality of play, to take another leap towards a campioanto FIP, there are, we hope to develop them quickly to improve again, so now take off handsomely!


Click link to see our games. VICTOR

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RHO / B OM TRECATE 87 to 71

stop us!
Excellent game ever to 'attack with partial fact often an advantage of almost 30 points!

It 's a good calling card for the FIP championship that we are getting ready to play!

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9 th 7 th 8 th Championship

Siderea BASKETBALL VICTOR RHO / B from 36 to 40

We Are Strong!
block the first in the standings!
From beginning of the season has been our only defeat!

(I do not comment on the 'arbitrage part in the last two quarters)

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S. Vittore Olona VICTOR RHO / B from 56 to 71
E 'come shaman, Coach Andrea, started winning, it is not so hard!

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VICTOR RHO / B ardens SEDRA 49 to 51

we need, we understand that we must change the mode of 'attack and use our proverbial game of this aggressive technique of the shaman.

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6 th 5 th Match postponed

by the party against the Sant 'Ilario, 4th in the championship, we leave them with broken bones, in every sense of the word as' an injury to Mark!

However we can not play the match, we are less than 8 and ask the court to date to be determined. The

SSAV Nerviano accepts and we thank you warmly!

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3 rd / 4 th 2 nd PGS PGS

3 rd day of rest as scheduled

4th day
VICTOR RHO / B Hilary NERVIANO 41 to 49

Lost dramatically but began to realize that cementing a bit 'more of the group and reasoning in the attack, the victory will be close!