Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Which Is Correct 14k Or 14kt

SSAV Nerviano 95 - Victor \u0026lt;! WON!>

After just forty-eight hours after the game against St. Hilary returned to the scene of the crime to play a new game against PGS Years Verdi Nerviano.
to report, rather than the final score (if I remember correctly about +30 for us, but I could be wrong), stands out the slew of technical fouls and bench taken from each of our team (5 total?), In addition to expulsion and one of our removal from the bench of our coach.
the essay says, in 2 games days can cause permanent damage to the nervous system, then if the risk of injuring yourself during the first because it is not always protected by the referee, but in some cases, also penalized (after the first three minutes of play in the first quarter we were already with the faults on the rump-bonus !!!), and you have thought of the evening game (FIP, our real challenge this year), it is obvious that you have to do is try to maintain control in the best way. always preach peace and quiet, but above all I want to remember that ...
... we won again (against all odds)!

personally greet the children of the opposing team that probably such behavior were definitely better than us. hopefully next time we can get really fun everyone, without third ruining the "show" ... or, better yet, the game that we are passionate about.

to all sailors, stay tuned more on these frequencies: there will still be fun!



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