Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stores In Toronto To Buy Belly Dancing Scarves

FIP 62-53 4 th 5 th game victory !!!!!!!!

GS Forces Inzago Lives - Victor Rho 58 to 59

9 The team, made no mistake and passed in a flash Inzago.

The start of the race is all about brand Inzaghese. Their game is no surprise given off by the speed and the continuous search for lightning fast play and fast break, we lost and we end up in the first period of 5 (18 - 13), recovering a bit 'in the final.

Gradually, however, we trust and we can organize ourselves better curb their speed on defense and showing off a good attack, and then back into the match thanks to a shot "at-carelessly-calculated" by Emanuele just past the half court (he says he diligently concentrate during practice, so now I understand his problems with diagrams, on a night to think like score from midfield, however I really do not I remember by heart one of his field goal from that distance) to the 'Last Second of the 2nd period, gnawing the advantage even if small, 27 to 28, the first to catch my breath (and with this adversity would need a rest between 40/60 minutes) , in the locker room with a partial period of 9 to 15 for us! In the 3rd period

Inzago continues to run and press start to 'far-fetched, but without being able nell'aggancio. We on our part, however, engage the fifth, reaching another partial positive end of the period of 11 to 13 for us! We ask the board oxygen tanks, but no there are not for sale.

return to the field for the 'last time knowing that it will tiratissimo, they are objectively very strong, but we have to do it, we play to win, we play for eternity and who retire from the struggle ....

strong start, the (almost) large group of opposing fans encourages our adversaries, (we do not have anyone behind because of time constraints and distance, beginning at 20:30 in game, as I said, Inzaghi), defend strong in attack and speed, 'We're not that competitive spirit! Thanks to the amazing free throws
BOBO's perfect (huge), and we keep the advantage.
still leaking some ball, but Max puts on a ball that weighs a lot, in the retina (on free throw), when there are a handful of seconds at the end of the match, then their counter part but the weather and their lack of precision under the basket, play in our favor, the game is 58 to 59 for us! (4 th period 20 -18 for them).

The team, as never happened before, getting together and embracing on the pitch, for joy, we know we have made a firm, VERY LARGE!

coach after the beginning of the year declared doubts over the possible developments in FIP, said speaking on various radio stations dedicated basketball, they are still in disbelief for what he saw!



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