Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dirt Bike Themed Party Plates

Beasts - Kinshasa Serenade by Lorenzo Mazzoni

Momentum Books, 2011

suggestions pen Lorenzo Mazzoni after Porno Bloc , set in Romania, now the new Beasts - Kinshasa Serenade leads the Democratic Republic of Congo.
stories of Westerners who for various reasons clash in a land wounded by serious conflicts, unfortunately, little known and addressed by democracies. In
Beasts now we are catapulted on a road "is a veritable museum of African art": poverty, disease, degradation, death and corruption are the first images we invest - it's missing only the smell.
A doctor, a journalist and an unscrupulous schemer are the characters, everyone will be affected by the civil war, each with its wealth of horror, each with its own degree of consciousness and madness. You must be crazy to stay in hell! "But you are returned to the fold?"

espionage, counterintelligence, ruthlessness, mercy, the of Chopin Nocturnes , meat and politics. Urgent and accelerate the pace of the chapters, as urgent as the war, as the forest of the machete that is about to break down with blind rage and drugged.
A complaint to highlight just some reality: as child soldiers, racism - "blacks are like monkeys and kill the white shit" - poverty, the scourge of corruption and a stark reflection on the effectiveness of humanitarian missions.

Lorenzo Mazzoni's inspiration seems to draw nourishment from geography, there is a clear feeling that the place to tell something that the author transcribes and condensation. At the end of Kinshasa
Serenade now the ink is indelible in the mind of the reader. The beasts who frescoed
men are, our peers and this humbles us. The violence and hurt his complaint, which is why it takes a great deal of courage and skill to tell the obscene and rhetorical without being cloying.

Francesca Grispello



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