Saturday, February 26, 2011

Give Guinea Pig A Fluffy Toy

Ritmu Novu Area of \u200b\u200b

Time Charter, 2010

There is much excitement in folk world than ever before there is really everything: groups, most rivals, riding the fashion Salento, bell or Sicily, have not really said anything. Who has a little 'heart and a minimum of ear immediately notice the difference, you immediately feel the honesty of a project.

This hat comes from my last play Ritmu Novu the disk Zona Briganti, a band originally from Rogliano in the province of Cosenza . A disc is genuine and that's why they are collecting rewards and confirmations.
contamination, the meeting and a little luck are the ingredients essential for the building of saying and doing. I do not accept the idea of \u200b\u200badopting a tradition for selfish gain, but embrace those who raised and enhance the beauty and knowledge. Strong

the impetus given by the victory of Roots Ethno Contest in 2009 and two disks in assets, the project draws its strength from the Rhythm Novu Calabrian tradition: texts, songs, traditions and legends are gently mixed with electronics. Songs like the titletrak, Re Niliu and Gigarantaru are an example, recognizes the simplicity of Pedi and 'Poet . Heard and vibrant tribute to Domenico Modugno Malarazza with the song, now famous thanks to several revisions as that of Roy Paci or Carmen Consoli, Geneva Di Marco or the touching version of The Zezi.
live very active and accepted in the selections for the hearings live Musicultura 2011, the band will do a lot more about him. The musicians are mixed well, the tambourine and guitar swing take heart and legs, but there are still filings to be made and personality to win. Too bad for the rendering of the booklet with the precious texts difficult to read. The line is drawn.

Francesca Grispello



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