Saturday, February 26, 2011

Series Streaming In English

Controcanto Marco Revelli

Chiarelettere, 2010

We are witnessing a historical period full of poor policy and conflict.
The citizen and politics are distant terms. A paradox of language and social identity. How did all this happen? How did we change? Marco Revelli in Controcanto reminds us that there is an Italy and insists that other, less screaming and more urgent, real and non-salon.
A collection of articles - from 2006 to 2008 - trying to interpret a change.
The feeling of hatred towards the Roma, the CPT, the violence in Genoa and Naples in 2001 and the meaning of work are just some examples of which Revelli us to reflect that in the civil and Catholic Italy and the man his bare life are abused, vilified and ignored.

"should perhaps, to break the spell, an extreme act of secession aesthetics and ethics, rather than political - later - another kind of story that would leave the floor to another mode behavior canceled today. "
Marco Revelli, Norberto Bobbio student, teacher and author of excellent essays in Controcanto , with his articles leads us to reflect on a recent past, we've learned to ignore. In a subtle way Revelli peaceful and makes a strong appeal to the power of man and his blindness. You do not save anyone, right and left are an active part in this "discomfort of anti-social": the left incapable of reforming itself and that Berlusconi speaks to the stomach and the cerebellum of the Italians.
All analysis that deserve careful reading and prolonged slow to absorb the repetitions and the seeds and be fertile ground for criticism. Not an appeal to the goodness of man, but his reason.

Francesca Grispello



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