Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Live Poets Society Of Nj Scam?

Presentation of The Cabinet of animals Giulio Mozzi

Presentation of the book Giulio Mozzi
The animal room
Thursday, February 3 at 18.00 at the library Modusvivendi Palermo (Via Quintino Sella 79).
With 'author will talk Amber Charter , literary critic and researcher c / o 'University of Palermo.

At its presence in Palermo will be carried out by Giulio Mozzi a video interview with the author, edited by Matthew Jesus and with the collaboration of Gabriele Ajello , in the charming rooms of the Museum of Zoology "Peter Doderlein" , courtesy of the University of Palermo and the support of Astrid Onlus.
Video will be published on the web next week.

The animals are represented by Mozzi unusual marine life in formalin, collected by his father around the world are scientific findings and at the same time the memorabilia of a lifetime. In fiction, the room that houses a myriad of jars and bottles ends up representing the father's dark and fascinating world, a world familiar yet elusive. Shadows on the walls vibrate with a new home, such as processions abyssal fish, jellyfish, sponges, crabs and seaweed floating, while the room of animals - now - it's empty.

Hubs knowingly plays with narrative forms and patterns of composition, dividing the text in ten paintings that, as a suite of dances, recall and confuse the issues and giving back atmosphere and a reality livid alienated in the balance between reality and alienation.

Giulio Mozzi (Camira Vicentino, 1960), writer, consultant editor of Einaudi Stile Libero and expert teaching of the narrative. Among his most recent publications include: Living . A journey into the homes of other , 2010, Terre di Mezzo am the last to fall (and other stories credible) , 2009. Since 2000 he pioneered the whiskers Bulletin. Laurana has recently republished Evil natural.

Giulio Mozzi
pp. 64, € 6.00;
fourth title of the series records zoo animals, directed by Giorgio
Voltolini Great and Darius.


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