Monday, March 7, 2011

Gold Trucks For My Tech Deck

The former KGB Tour concerts in Vicenza Milan

Tour Dates The next two ex-spies headed by the unstoppable Mike 3rd, beneficial operation maker in support of Greenpeace and AIRC: the SabotageBar and Monkeys return to

Friday 11 March 2011
Sabotage BAR
De''Industria Street, Vicenza 14

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Via Cardinale Ascanio Sforza, 49 Milano
- 21.00

Friday 11 and Saturday, March 12 missed two more concerts with the 'Rock Irreverent Groovy of The Ex-KGB. The band - which is getting flattering for the record I Putin that his determination to live - continue the tour in support of Greenpeace and AIRC . Vicenza Milan are two other pieces to be followed by other highly anticipated live. The dates are: Friday, March 11 Sabotage Bar of Vicenza; Saturday, March 12 return to of Monkeys Milan. It will touch Campania until April 3 2011 where former KGB open for Tony Levin to The Garden Club of Lugagnano Sona (VR).

The Ex-KGB announced the national distribution ( Memories - The Feltrinelli - FNAC ) of The disc Putin , which is also sold in to concerts at a cost of 7 Euros. Will be available on vinyl - 180 grams - the merchandising and sympathy of former spies . With the spring bloom comments as: "a disc contagious and contaminating, combining wisdom with lessons of the past hectic modern, beautiful and fun at the same time. Mica serious business!" ( RockShock ). "Believe me , 'I Putin' is one of the albums most surprising I've heard in recent months, energy and intelligence, a combination rare and often not very functional, but that the former KGB find the right chemistry . "(The Bunch )

Mike is also the developer of the project Season of Charity three songs Hypnoise, The Ex-KGB and the couple Cheryl Porter / Mike 3rd in support of Greenpeace and AIRC . The proceeds from sales will go to 100% financing Greenpeace. 100% of sales of the 3rd single from Mike feat. Cheryl Porter will support 's AIRC, the association known for years that supports research on cancer.
Individuals are sold on iTunes Music Store just 0.99 € each through Veneto West Records of Los Angeles independent label led by Ronan Chris Murphy who participated with joy conviction and all 'initiative.
The Ex-KGB:

Synpress44 - Press Office:


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