Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pocket Bike For Sale In Phoenix

celestial bodies: the 'casual album' Paolo Rigotti between pop and unconventionality

drummer Syndone Banda Elastica Pellizza and released his first solo experiment: Ten eccentric singer-songwriters that address current issues between sarcasm and 'electronic amusement'

Paolo Rigotti
Solita Music
are pleased to present:

celestial bodies

... the debut album by Paolo Rigotti ...

Solita Music 2011
10 tracks, 43 minutes

"It looks like a concept album, but it's worth, I have not tried to do so. We could define Album Casual but not jeans. " So Paolo Rigotti presents his new album celestial bodies, the first solo reached the end of a long journey to work and collaborations . Acclaimed drummer of two groups that have recently been a considerable success, the songwriting Banda Elastica Pellizza and renewed progsters Syndone , Rigotti wanted to concentrate its compositional ideas and his vision of the world and music in the ten pieces that make up this tantalizing debut.

Electronic and pop, rock and demented songwriting , an inspiration that is inspired by the master Freak Antoni and the Elio e le Storie Tese - with quotes and reminiscences of Area Battiato - a disc that moves balance between instinct and construction . Rigotti, says: "In my record I do everything a bit 'but I is not presumption. 'm so lazy that if not immediately register the idea in my mind I already know that the never end." Recording everything in complete solitude , Paul has created an album where melodies and delicious "fast setting" are supported by a "strong matrix e as keyboards and synthesizers have been my first approach to music, as a kid. But I wish it were a ' electronic fun, joking about herself on her be plastic. For indeed, it is offset by the tools "real" drums, guitar and vocals ".

celestial body is a perfect poster of changing times, a chilling contemporary , the author observes, interprets and communicates with the powerful tool of sarcasm . Rigotti develops the theme of human bondage from power from career, from the time from sex from consumption from technology and drugs : songs like Madama Dore , Motherboard ( winner of the 3 rd prize The Italian electronic music in 2061, sponsored by the Club To Club Festival in collaboration with the Italy 150) and Integration inaugurate a new route songwriting combining irony, experimentation and communication skills.



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