Sunday, March 13, 2011

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The competition: The seventh edition of the Premio Bindi

He kicked off the seventh edition Prize Bindi Santa Margherita Ligure (GE), the event / contest entitled to the unforgettable song writing and addressed to the Genoese singer-songwriter emerging Italian talents. The competition is open to songwriters, or to individuals or bands who compose their own songs.

Among all members, a committee will select ten artists who will perform in the finals on 8 and 9 July 2011 in Santa Margherita Ligure, in front of a prestigious panel of musicians, journalists and experts. 1st prize will receive a plaque and a scholarship of € 3,000. Will also be awarded the best lyrics, the best music and best actor with plaque.
Registration is free, the deadline for registration is May 31, 2011. The application must be sent to: BONUS BINDI c / o Associazione Culturale Le Muse Nova - Via Vinelli 34 / 2 -16 043 Chiavari (GE). The complete announcement is available on-line at

The competition is announced by the City of Santa Margherita Ligure and produced by the Cultural Novae The Muse of Chiavari with the sponsorship of the Liguria Region and the Province of Genoa. The first editions of the Prize, now in a broader national resonance, were won by Lome (2005), Federico Sirianni (2006), Chiara Morucci (2007), Paolo Angeli (2008), Piji (2009), Roberto Amadio (2010 ). Bindi
Prize will consist of three days (8th to 10th July) and will host the evenings, apart from the competition, great exponents of Italian songwriters and afternoon meetings, and exhibitions of the finalists in the competition.
For more information:
Associazione Culturale Le Muse Novae
Tel 0185-311603 348-2243585
Secretariat Award Bindi


Bindi Award 2011

1) The competition is dedicated to Umberto Bindi and is run by the municipality of Santa Margherita Ligure. The construction is entrusted to the Cultural Novae The Muse of Chiavari (GE).

2) Bindi The Award is open to songwriters, or to individuals or bands who compose their own songs.

3) The registration fee is required. The deadline for registration is established not later than the 31th day of May 2011. The application must be sent to: BONUS BINDI c / o Associazione Culturale Le Muse Nova - Via Vinelli 34 / 2 -16 043 Chiavari (GE). Will the postmark. Not liable for material not received because of postal problems.

4) The inclusion in each artist must submit an application on plain paper enclosing the following documents:
- biography
- possible composition of the group in case of band
- CD containing two songs, with lyrics completely or mainly in Italian.
- texts of songs that will be presented
the competition - 1 photo
- technical (containing the technical requirements for the disclosure to live if you fell in the final)
- data of the artist / manager with telephone numbers and e-mail
- any website

5) Bindi Prize competition will take place on 8 and 9 July 2011. Travel expenses and accommodation are borne by the participants, which will still be able to enjoy special discounts when hoteliers are enjoying the convention. For specific information about you relazionerà with the organization.

6) All entries received within the time limit set will be judged by a special commission. Will be admitted to the final 10 artists. However, the Organization reserves the right to alter this number on the basis of artistic evaluation.
The selection criteria will take into account the submissions received and the quality of it. For both the pre-final for both players take note dell'inappellabile trial observers and experts of the Organization.

7) The participants admitted to the final selection of the Prize with Bindi live performance, will be notified by certified mail, not later than June 15, 2011.

8) Participation Award Bindi implies the complete and unconditional acceptance of this Regulation.

9) The material to suggest to the organization and that will be submitted to the Commission's authority must be composed of two previously unreleased tracks. For "unknown" is not published. The criterion for selection of finalists will be based on the preparation and instrumental composition of the participant, as well as the quality and originality of lyrics and vocals.

10) During the closing days of the Prize Bindi participants will perform live accompaniment: in fact, the organization offers a quartet of piano / keyboard, bass / double bass, drums / percussion, woodwinds (sax, clarinet, flutes). The participant must submit to the organization the scores for the instruments listed above at least 15 days prior to your performance.
Regarding the case of singer-songwriter band, the exhibition will be held by the candidate that training, however, can take advantage of the tools made available by the Organization if there was a need.

11) During the closing days of Bindi Award finalists will perform before a committee made up of 10-15 jurors, drawn from musicians, authors, journalists and professionals of prestige and competence.

12) In the final phase of 8 and 9 July 2011 there will be three stages of live selection of 10 finalists:
- the first during the first evening, when the finalists will play a piece by Umberto Bindi assigned by the Commission;
- the second during one of two afternoons, when they have to bring an acoustic version of their song (It is acceptable to the accompaniment of a single musician) during the ' Meetings around the song writing "held on the terrace of the castle of Santa Margherita Ligure
- the third in the late evening when you perform with another song of his own composition included in the selection. At the end of the evening will be the winner of the 2010 edition.

13) The prizes are as follows:
- 1st Place - Plaque for recognition as a winner, Scholarship of € 3,000 and a 20-minute acoustic performance by July 10 in the afternoon during the "Meetings around the song writing" at next year's prize Bindi.
- Plaque for recognition as a "best text."
- Plaque for recognition as "best music".
- Plaque of Recognition as "Best Performance".

14) For more information contact: Associazione Culturale Le Muse
Novae, Enrica courses, cell. 348/2243585,,
City of Santa Margherita Ligure, Office of Tourism and Culture. Tel 0185/205471


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