Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mature Eating Knickers

Sottocornola: 'A Night in Italy' dedicated to women!

The image of women in the Italian song is the theme of the lecture-concert by the 'philosopher of the pop'. On March 8, ending the cycle of events dedicated to 150 years from the Unification of Italy and the cultural identity national, with the involvement of students

Third University

Liceo Mascheroni are pleased to present:

Claudio Sottocornola
A night in Italy

"The image of women in the Italian song ..."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 15:00 - 17.15

Auditorium Liceo Mascheroni
Via Alberico da Roscia 21 / A

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 15:00 in 'High School Auditorium Mascheroni (Bergamo) Claudio Sottocornola will present his last meeting dedicated to the theme of 'national identity . The project A night in Italy was established with the aim of celebrating - in new and original way - the 150 years Unit of Italy, while avoiding any drift rhetoric. Prof. Sottocornola, Professor of Philosophy and History in Bergamo, will propose a study since the origins of a significant part of our identity linguistic, cultural and social today, with - as always in his performative studies on the pop - the best episodes of the popular Italian song the last fifty years, which - like the television insulted - unified (approved?) the way of speaking and thinking .

In his last lecture-concert 'philosopher pop 'will focus on
The evolution of the female : the meeting takes place not by chance that the' March 8, at the Woman's Day . The development of 'female image in Italy goes through the history of popular song : lyrics, melodies but also performers who have become, by 50s and 60s now, true icons the i's and women's collective mmaginario in particular that inspired women of different generations to rethink their image, their very lives, their way of "telling". Sottocornola repercorrerà live footage of the best female Italian song, with the collaboration of students of High School "L. Mascheroni , which propose their performance of music, dance, drama and poetry as part of the concert. From Thanks for the flowers to Wonderful creature by Fortissimo to Comet Halley the professor will present the best episodes of folk songs by women, who often intrigued poets, writers and intellectuals for its beauty and charm.

Again Sottocornola uses the key to reading the 'pop' , in this case the Italian song to study and disseminate key challenges for our history. L ' Italian identity, the language problem that from the 50s onwards, the world of popular song together programming TV , unified and partly approved not only the language but also the 'collective imagination , profoundly affecting the social changes and costume, the youth revolution to' identity of women. Through archival footage, listening and execution of -live tracks, text analysis and historical contextualization , Sottocornola aims to cover this wonderful journey.


musical tributes to draw between the speakers


http://www.claudiosottocornola-claude. com


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