Sunday, May 31, 2015

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Greta Mauro: state of intoxication explosive cosmic

Umbertide, May 2010. E 'aesthetics in its most extreme form, taken to extremes. And 'that essence of creation, in which the correlation of causes like puts an end to his cause. And 'that by which it determines the nature of the medium, that is able to appropriate and accommodate themselves in the causality of this set. E 'status explosive essence of creation. E 'state of intoxication cosmic explosion. That dominant aesthetic concept, which refers to the beautiful ideal of a sensitive region intelligible reality, the mere fact that appearances can be stated simply in itself does not itself appear to deplete the horizon a more fruitful and original thinking. It 's true that those who wish to gather itself out of the dispersion of time and space, must necessarily go beyond the perspective of reality to retrieve an inner vision, the inexpressible in which all appearances fade. E 'therefore a state of pure contemplation beyond all reason of practical interest, is that momentary away from themselves, which subsequently in returning to itself, it is more intensely to grasp their own nature and that of the surrounding world. E 'then this is the ultimate experience of the soul. It 'also true that the essence of true creation can not be the result of individual whim of arbitrary imagination subjective, but only time an expression of something universal, that does not indulge the valuable techniques. The essence of creation is therefore, in a sense, what is produced and remains in the soul and soul in a vision the whole interior. But something is missing. Something is missing because the last of the eternal hypostasis is deeply disturbed and restless, and this is due to immanence conflict dynamic of its operations. It is capable of dealing with the intelligible un'indifettibile contemplation outside of time, but at the same instant, as a principle of life and movement, is a condition of the generative process that takes place over time. It swings back and forth between the opposites of the essences eternal appearances and sensitive. Then there is the risk of running into something scary, and that is that the need for unity, embodied in thought, would make him beyond himself, idealizing the infinite richness of its being other, placed in a transcendent end. Very transcendent. Change in the direction it comes to the unity of deep thought himself, and in doing so becomes quiet, almost to remain in the illusion of timeless emanation of that transcended, with the result, however, exacerbate and accentuate the otherness of the transcendence. And 'here that breaks the state of intoxication cosmic explosion of creation, and break into the manifest be, much like the creation, as as the essence of creation. No function initiation, no rapture, no denying phenomenal appearances, no icing on the identification of natural products dell'incessante cosmic story. The Earth is because Greta is the Earth, because the roots of the earth belong to God, because the immutable forces of the elements blend into the temporality of a cosmic process, cyclically ordered by the law of the Earth. The force of the elements resolves itself and takes shape in the real Earth that opens the directions and orders of the world. The juxtaposition and harmony of the elements gives birth to the dominion of the Earth in the inner region of the world, opens new pathways to knowledge in which the mind grows. The simplicity of that harmony is an overwhelming space and let the Divine light that gives power to a star that has ravaged the course of the world. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro: restless violence of a poetic project

Umbertide, May 2010. Emerges naked from chaos and dance on the waves. Dance with wild rhythm, very wild, so much power on the desire of the north wind. That wind takes the shape of what it can wrap its coils between the limbs of the goddess. That wind is fertilized and co-generator of life, because is the reciprocal of the elements to enjoy the predominant cause of the sea and earth. But the abandonment of the Earth is not the case for the choice of a calm serenity to the tempting invitation to a flat calm and sparkling water, but is exposed to an overwhelming force of the waves and the homeless sea. It 'broke the irrepressible wave of the depths of a winter storm. It 's the size of the tragic poetic project that reveals the true human being, beyond the primitive categories of psychology and the misunderstanding of the current schemes and common of modernity. The unbridled force of the sea accords with the ongoing eruption of the domain of Earth as the supreme deity. Greta is the Earth, is the one who bestows and tireless door-to-maturity, with the calm superiority of great wealth, the endless hovering harmony of the elements. But the thought objectifying the world, being delivered to the dominance of the Earth, does not recognize the essence. Hides the truth happening to see the law reversed. In doing so it is always thrown on the roads that has opened itself, continually S'Arena and entangled in his ways that it has opened itself. It remains so ensnared more than ever apparent in the circle of his world, thereby denying the way of true knowledge. E 'lost in the chaos of its versatility, vague in its opening in each circle direzione le sue vie, arrischiandosi in tutte le sfere dell'essente. In questo cerca poi di accrescersi e conservarsi, ma con il risultato di rimanere al punto d'inizio, nell'unica via che gli è propria. Quella di non avere altra cognizione che il luogo dove egli stesso pernotta ed erra. Trascina se stesso all'esaustione, oltre il cerchio delle possibilità che le sono proprie, perché riconosce unicamente la progettualità delle regioni oggettive del proprio mondo. Vorrebbe così coinvolgere l'infaticabile Terra nell'agitazione dei propri sforzi, violarne le forze di crescita e deviarne il ciclo generativo. Vorrebbe gettare in essa i suoi lacci e le sue reti, rinchiuderla nei suoi steccati. Vorrebbe imporre ad essa i suoi miserabili giochi per better able to choose to stay. It 's the most common and usual human representation of things. It is also the view of considering the principle of common history and origin thought to be the most primitive and backward with respect to the conception of historiography as effective as sterile by mastering the technical history. But the tragic essence of human wants and the principle of history as what is most disturbing and unusual by virtue of doing violence that breaks the boundaries of the usual and familiar. To exclude those items from the peace and tranquility of their apparent world. In the usual stay within those limits, the man becomes in fact alien to its essence, because deceived by the sheer sense of inessentiality with which the powers of the predominant you grant him. Considers to be himself and to be able to have those forces, not realizing that the violence to speak of a poetic, and a draft of the thought that goes in the direction of the creative, is both a tune and harmonize those powers, by which the being is able to unfold itself. The disturbing nature of doing violence, then it is for man to find himself as a historical being, as one who keeps himself away from the real violence. Genuine and free of the actor and the injured, which is ultimately the common way of representing things. At Similarly, the beginning of the story is also the bearer of a uneasy sense than the usual view of the world. In order to signify its mystical elements of natural science and historiography. And if it must be something, then it is mythology. The rough side of his deployment and tangible is the fact could no longer maintain itself, and therefore, is the trivialization of its deformation to the extension number and quantity of the world, so as to attract the instinct of domination and the ' excess power of the human will more delicate. But the violence of a troubled project reverses the course of being poetic. Why going back to the mystery of the story, makes the occurrence of mythology a historic event that excludes the man from any relationship with the rest of his usual world. It 'an unusual heat and perspiration, is a reaction that comes from the thrill. It 's a burst of pure light of his own Earth. It 's so that the project being poetic outburst leaves the predominant power of the earth and the sea in their mutual agreement. The struggle of the Earth in its original shine within the world. And 'that reveres and preserves the original poster of the Earth in its efflux illuminate the heart of the world. He lives in the intensity of a light. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro Greta Mauro

Umbertide, May 2010. It does everything to cover and disregard the unity of the ambivalent relations opposites, as well as the contingent relation of unrelated elements, or changing the quality of a single substance. It 's the primary language of cosmology. Because it fails to recognize that emanates lan strange meaning, confronts us with the view of the vagueness of temporal existence of unchanging timelessness. Then, the dynamics of matter in the cosmic structure, are relegated to the only land of mysticism, and the condition that they are vital. It thus leaves room for mystery, an effective tool to shape and mold cores. To define the terrain of their easy illusions. It then outlines a motionless metaphysical scenario, the one for which the activity of the intellect raises, solicits, images, representations, shows, concludes, discriminates, distinguishes and defines. The multiplicity of logical assertions is his turf, that can guarantee the ability to move and work skillfully, obeying the blind urge to break down all barriers to constantly go beyond himself. That relationship with the manifold is filled with a latent drama, because it could only generate the same subject object otherness, brings forth the inevitable struggle between self-consciousnesses to be recognized. To the extent then that was able to experience the absolute voltage to transcend all over, all that would result in a limit concept, dissolving into pure nothingness. Yet, all that exists, because sarrebbe inconceivable to presume absolute solitude. So if the soul itself is its concept, continually stretched to its successful completion, this activity can not be that the adoption of an Absolute that manifests itself alien and its substance and its contents to make it objective. That content can not be simply opposed to all, but somehow you must participate, and indeed it is itself part, but miserably bound sensitive to appearances in which disperses. In that content is This is the reality of the noetic self-thought, and the animal life of the dark pulse. The soul struggle, struggles between losing themselves in the visible of the time, and how to regain the ecstatic essence in the infinite time limit. E 'at this point that the genius of a metaphysical thought, produces its best fruit. So to speak. The ecstatic nature of a qualitative leap, it was seen as the best care, a passionate free itself from the aspects of daily life and emptiness of that magic that flows over time. It 'an abstract work of spiritual liberation which discriminates what is most vital. The watchword seems to stiffen the opposition of two dimensions, apparently unbridgeable and irreconcilable. On the one hand the false reference to the devaluation of appearances sensitive and reconstruct the dispersion of the soul in the direction of pure contemplation. The other, the more real objectifying taking possession, by an unbridled and unconditional operation, which illuminates regions of the most vulgar subjectivism. Everything seems to be the most despicable un'ipostatizzazione drift of reality, which has never given the true nature of the Whole. But it is precisely here that the glare of a false mysticism gives way to the logic of myth. The logic of the myth is poetry, because everything is concentrated in the Earth forever. The myth is that poetry the occurrence of an event originating in the wake growth forces of the Earth, in generating the space of his stay within the Earth. The difficulty of a building, then, escapes from the rigid patterns of human representation to be brought to the limit. Bursts restless and subverts any certainty in the apparent veil conquered the New World. Greta is the Earth, is the lighting schiudentesi a quiet life in harmony that holds the most authentic truth of the world, the truth of being.

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myth is poetry: the harmony of opposing tensions

Umbertide, May 2010. A man has established itself the divine, because it has found and put his heart into the Earth. 'S understandable, then, as the strong practical sense of some liberated women, could have distanced himself from her angry spirit lemnico, to make room for a more resigned and compassionate feeling. That common sense is also the most effective of sense perception, because it is resigned acknowledgment of those who see "irretrievably lost" if not "stoned" their men, presumed missing in the most fleeting mystical rapture and ecstatic raptures. But there's always something beyond the usual thinking of that, and indeed has long been that a certain mode of the inspection continues to claim errors report them on those same mistakes. The fact is, that quell'irrequietezza own soul, is nothing more than his perpetual dissatisfaction, as it were aware of the limitations of its own inherent activity, and reasons for its setbacks. And this is precisely the state that gives energy to his inner rhythm, and dynamics to his spiritual process. E 'then in this land that it creates its own history, as the true hero and true engine of universal life. She stiffens out of all property in the scenario of reality hypostatized opposing each other, and miserably self-sufficient in itself. She is out of the senseless not matter, above you there is a failure for a measure theoretical horizon unknown. The thought does have the presumption to be able to provide the genesis of the initiation of the spirit, supposed himself to be the absolute champion of his longing for unity, his native impulse to transcend the sensible. So, in that property that scenario actually know neither elevation nor decay, the soul unfolds his individual destiny, that Other self-channeling in the whirlwind of his inner rhythm. As the subject of knowledge, it knows no other court outside of himself, and for this reason that only one contempt is enriched in tending to the interview with the Divine, as well as showing reluctance to remain captive in the shadows of matter. How demiurgic power, manufacturing activity is then unconscious, whose actions, coordinate and process the appearances of the sensible world in time, under the contemplation of timeless essences. But an irrationalism that has the courage to present themselves as such, which is able to conceal and overcome rationalism, just because of mere negation, can never lead to a land that could be assessed free. Why would fall itself in a new form of rationalism and arrogant will. Then there exists a land, a dimension in which echoes the best harmony, the hidden tensions of opposites, the one who fills the vacuum reservoir of moral value, for the simple fact of letting deploy with it the possibility of an inner structure of a dialogue, through which to know and experience the best of his nature. If so, then, that puts all the conditions within the real differentiator of development, and hence the complementarity of unity and distinction within the reunification of the original, is in itself also the unfolding of a pattern of conduct and ethics of Justice . From the One are the many, as the Earth comes from the inherent function and the condition before each act of the soul over time. It 's so that the Whole Earth draws from opposing forms the unified harmony of his being. It 's still so that the hidden harmony of the tension in opposing tighten placing of the divine law, the emanation of divine roots forging empirical and intelligible matter of sublime wonder. It 's the brightest creature in the wide circle of beings, is the lucediGreta, the truth of being.