Sunday, May 31, 2015

My Uterus Looks Enlarged

Greta Mauro: intensity of pure power

Umbertide, June 2010. It was the beginning not the item. The element is that as you address the body on the floor of the same body, as part of its quality and properties. And 'what is able to join and to compose more complex forms. The principle is rather a constituent of the body, and as such is pure potentiality and uncertainty. And 'universal principle of physical reality that can reach its determination in the multiple varieties of any shape. It is neither sensible nor intelligible, and therefore unknowable as indeterminate. But it is necessary for understanding and substrate for the occurrence of phenomena. By explaining the properties of those. E 'first substrate for ciascunché, which essentially and not accidentally drift anything. It 'not the entity to which belongs neither quality nor quantity nor extension nor movement, but only the eternal birth of a pure power that makes it intelligible to become, unable to assign to that the need for ever new formations, in the real significant extension of its mutability. If the principle is pure power, then, matter is the raw material in its being the first act, in the intensity of pure power. Intensity of a mental state how deep life of the soul escapes the outside space of numerical multiplicity, size measurement of time. It 'an inner state of mind, that of an inner life that is real length of time, lived out of the measurability of its time. Because he wants to measure its quality remedies in property of an eternal and lasting event. Event of the passion that refuses the distinction inside her soul, to the intimate interaction of innate truth volgenti the principle of being good to your hand. Ingenito dance around the truth of their most inspired form in the place which does not allow them to drop the one outside the other, because everything was of a qualitatively penetrate nell'intemporale interior to rest. It 's a hold of him the eternity of a principle that resolves immutability of a primordial matter. It 'a keep it the pure possibility of a non-dispersion in measurable and in the changing of time. Because intensity of pure power, dissolving the outer space to make a manifold, in the way that discursive thought is able to move and develop as processuality him the easiest imaginable. In order to achieve its magnificent grounds of his reign nell'inconsistente more vain representation. Seizing a moment after the other in the causal chain of alleged forms you can order as part of a sequence, so as to take firm what it deems to be in turn the truth. But the acts of the soul are not so far away from the upheaval of the inner life of a self that escapes the discursive reason of a sterile concepts. What then is the true purpose of the soul? He wants the light, wants to welcome and protect that light, the desire is always already able to own what is looking. Because that light is the same whereby a new me see. By which I accept to see. Without which I would not even be able to know the direction of a possible erramento. E 'pure power of a primordial matter. E 'intensity of pure power in the eternal time that is always to come. Greta Mauro. Finoammorire live for you. Why tivogliobbenedammorire. E 'light of Greta, the truth of being.


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