Sunday, May 31, 2015

Peruvianthread Earrings

MiaRegina substantiality. I still wonder

Good. The undersigned has a very skillful ability to lose everything you hold dear, and maybe it's vital to say, he is offered generously. Speaking of generosity does not make the idea, because when you lose something absolutely vital, there are no words, no linguistic representations and expressions suitable to define the vacuum state. The soul struggles to resume his normal vitality, as well as, the concept barely tries to break away from the immediacy sensitive to trace its universal significance. I mean obviously the ambit of pure essences and phantasmagoric appearances. I wonder what is the need to bring reality to the heart of a stupid and incomprehensible intelligible, those ideas, those words that bring pride to the extent that their share of triumphant rationality, they burned up all that land to become an intrinsic part conscience, has in its lush passion. You do not have full knowledge of that state, but yet it is clear the difficulty of an overlap, a logical integration of a timeless story and the human who feeds on time, which feeds the conscience of his time. I wonder. And that "I" had already been cited as a Greek translation of a term designating the mystery, the act of putting his finger to his lips to say be quiet. Nothing more, relative to the context, as well as the pure ideal of a contemplative mystic, living in the illusion of a full double layer, the desire to comply with all covered, but instead is hoarding and disconnected, because it placed too far from the creature . In the name of that, they then made the worst crimes that humanity has ever witnessed. Nothing more. Someone spoke. And he did it well, and clearly so effective that the whole world's a bad necks cartel. And still that sign continues to be read as a misunderstanding, especially of: speculating. Enough of this reversal of values, "said Him Some Christian ethics should learn from certain pagan cults, whose devotees do not even remotely touches the idea of \u200b\u200bpronouncing the name of their God I still wonder about the seeming intractable problems that lends itself very well to the danger of a horrible misunderstanding. What then is the usual misunderstanding of a glance, a look at all costs that unity of being and thinking that may be only part of the learning of the subject. That being is what is thought by thought, and thus is pure subjectivity. Imagine then that the Logos, the Word, the Ombudsman, the source of grace and redemption. What horrible requirements, superb quality measures for the illusion to be faithful, in his intellect as a presumption develop strategies useless, what else they simply move away from him, they simply build another new poles of human suffering. And it is difficult to understand, because a representation of the New Testament hardly takes into account crop antagonisms, that concentration which does not dissolve in the absence of opposition blank that is subjected to its rule, but keeps it in harmonious tension. In the event that Being is then defined as that which abstracts from the entire area the thought of happening, to remain pure noetic content, not necessarily has to find its correspondence with all that is conceived. But that's another story. Even if it is the most common of all. My Queen. I still wonder if it is not appropriate to leave the mental masturbation to the continuous and bitter disputes over pseudouniversali. As such, they still continue to litigarseli. Do well. I still wonder if the face of the universe of Conceptualism, can reverberate in a clear manner the amazing clarity of a claim. Tivogliounbenedammorire. For this there is a major indication that can not be the future home of the time. A think a bottom is alternately think, is a reflection in both directions, is a question themselves and give himself some answers. Well. Maybe in that response, the sublime otherness leads to the possibility of a dual commitment: to restart or via Cossa, and finally let it all from behind the Ponte Cavour. And I do mean it. I do it because dazzled by the light more intense than it has ever existed. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.


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