Sunday, May 31, 2015

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Mauro: Angel of Passion

Umbertide, June 2010. It 'a contraction and an expansion of the soul which has its headquarters in the heart. And 'the restless movement of the vital spirit of the soul to its object and towards its end. But the passion of the soul is not a disease, and neither is for a reason which will recognize and be aware, that these turbulent motions of the sensitive appetite can have moral value. Why encompassed by the light of reason itself. The passion of the soul is not the disease, if his instinctive blends with that of a willingness to accept the rules of reason. In this way, the passion the man returns to its completeness, the sign of its vitality and its moral strength. The pace of his inner life. Returns to the soul the strength of its powerful ascent, the incalculable direction of orientation irresistible. Revelatory power, devoid of religious certainty to the contingent and sensitive aspect of the world. Why read in the light that is its own. E 'light that radiates from Earth's interior region the world. No transcend anguish because irrationality of a lonely desert, the demonic presence of the unexpected, it is visible on Earth, in the magnificent splendor of the angel. Radiance, the welcoming angel demonic allusion to the ability of things, in the boundless energy of its ambivalent power, permeating the sacredness of the most striking contradiction. And enhances the cow, gives us the strength of a joy of life, while in breathless with his creature. That energy is in the soul its vital principle, and therefore it is the same reason that he found the fruit of his transfiguration, as isfactory rise. Why not have the capacity to remain solely in itself. He mixed it with the limit of a passion, that desire in itself vague that focuses firmly on the ground in the new energy fruit of a sweet presence. Angel Angel is the devil's passion. And 'the intermediarietà of mediation between heaven and Earth. The horizon of the spirit incarnate, nell'espressiva units thanks and prayers, the incessant motion of an abnormal form of becoming. That is the demonic invasion of a vital pre-rational state of mind, capable of recognizing the presence of the Divine inapprensibile Earth. Angelo's passion, is so special about his creation. That man is not divine for the condition that is own, is not even human for the neglect of the outside of his world. Brings with him but something that angelic presence, because it can reveal the strength of a divine connection to the Earth. Angelo's passion is the passion for an Angel. Archetype of beauty that lies in a moderation, and in the warmth of familiarity with the beautiful. Do not strayed from the natural tendency to perpetuate his generation and regeneration in beauty. Why beauty is akin to that of eternity. Because that is the eternal natural beauty of angelic light that inspires passion at the heart of the world. The only purpose that a revival of the human condition to know more to restore. Greta Mauro. Volertibbene finoammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.


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