Sunday, May 31, 2015

Out Of The Box Save The Date

Greta Mauro: state of intoxication explosive cosmic

Umbertide, May 2010. E 'aesthetics in its most extreme form, taken to extremes. And 'that essence of creation, in which the correlation of causes like puts an end to his cause. And 'that by which it determines the nature of the medium, that is able to appropriate and accommodate themselves in the causality of this set. E 'status explosive essence of creation. E 'state of intoxication cosmic explosion. That dominant aesthetic concept, which refers to the beautiful ideal of a sensitive region intelligible reality, the mere fact that appearances can be stated simply in itself does not itself appear to deplete the horizon a more fruitful and original thinking. It 's true that those who wish to gather itself out of the dispersion of time and space, must necessarily go beyond the perspective of reality to retrieve an inner vision, the inexpressible in which all appearances fade. E 'therefore a state of pure contemplation beyond all reason of practical interest, is that momentary away from themselves, which subsequently in returning to itself, it is more intensely to grasp their own nature and that of the surrounding world. E 'then this is the ultimate experience of the soul. It 'also true that the essence of true creation can not be the result of individual whim of arbitrary imagination subjective, but only time an expression of something universal, that does not indulge the valuable techniques. The essence of creation is therefore, in a sense, what is produced and remains in the soul and soul in a vision the whole interior. But something is missing. Something is missing because the last of the eternal hypostasis is deeply disturbed and restless, and this is due to immanence conflict dynamic of its operations. It is capable of dealing with the intelligible un'indifettibile contemplation outside of time, but at the same instant, as a principle of life and movement, is a condition of the generative process that takes place over time. It swings back and forth between the opposites of the essences eternal appearances and sensitive. Then there is the risk of running into something scary, and that is that the need for unity, embodied in thought, would make him beyond himself, idealizing the infinite richness of its being other, placed in a transcendent end. Very transcendent. Change in the direction it comes to the unity of deep thought himself, and in doing so becomes quiet, almost to remain in the illusion of timeless emanation of that transcended, with the result, however, exacerbate and accentuate the otherness of the transcendence. And 'here that breaks the state of intoxication cosmic explosion of creation, and break into the manifest be, much like the creation, as as the essence of creation. No function initiation, no rapture, no denying phenomenal appearances, no icing on the identification of natural products dell'incessante cosmic story. The Earth is because Greta is the Earth, because the roots of the earth belong to God, because the immutable forces of the elements blend into the temporality of a cosmic process, cyclically ordered by the law of the Earth. The force of the elements resolves itself and takes shape in the real Earth that opens the directions and orders of the world. The juxtaposition and harmony of the elements gives birth to the dominion of the Earth in the inner region of the world, opens new pathways to knowledge in which the mind grows. The simplicity of that harmony is an overwhelming space and let the Divine light that gives power to a star that has ravaged the course of the world. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.


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