Sunday, May 31, 2015

Swollen Fingers Shovelling Snow

Greta Mauro: detection of a star

Umbertide, May 2010. Will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be neither sorrow nor crying of pain, for the former things have passed away. One of the seven stars is the new Earth and new Heaven, as the former heaven and earth have passed earlier, and the sea is no longer. The words are faithful and true, the real truth of the need for a new beginning, in the revelation of an cosmological form of poetry. Because the event of a new beginning to end is the revelation of a star in the reality of a poem. I saw her come down from heaven adorned with light. And 'the eruption and the intercession of the Earth itself, because the combination of the elements is the domain of the Angel, and the quiet fury of those is the glory of the test. Having the glory, its splendor is like precious stone, the amethyst jasper, pearls from the pure gold, the happy remaining in itself, all'emanazione di una grazia armonica quale albero della vita. E' il trascendere dell'inizio, verso il compimento di ciò che sembra trovare posto solo in seno all'esperienza creatrice di un continuo divenire. All'interno di quella trasfigurazione del vivere, che nel suo fondamento è l'indomito e tumultuoso accavallarsi di pulsioni e passioni. Un sovrabbondare di stimoli e istinti che è poi un mettere in atto visioni e pretese, con il rischio di un abbandono al puro fluire di ciò che creando, possa anche distruggere se stesso. E' per tale motivo che il fondamento primo di quel fluire, è ciò che dispone la vita in uno stato d'animo, spesso votato al caotico decorso verso la dissoluzione, altre volte ancora alla cerchia delimitante e stabilizer schematization of everyday life. But there is a will, to make alive the wave of the overwhelming desire diveniente, causing self-assurance and the need for action perspective on a new stability and survival. It 's so that the indomitable tumult of living brings with it the demand for his designing stabilization, in order to ensure the possibility of its stability and security, in view of a new existence. And 'setting the chaotic patterns in the implementation of what thrills and pressing, something that remains in its stability and security. And this is nothing but the highest agreement, as part of a struggle for essential purposes, humanity that history continually builds on top of him. It 's still that void that simply boil and froth regions in the particularity of bodily experiences, which if not built to the essence of life, living by the cartel mislead the regent's own identity. Since the foundation of authentic as possible. But Revelation of a Star, gives the soul the strength of the unusual, because the need for that new beginning has no purpose or purposes, or growth or storage, or goals or ambitions. He does not want the world, but only remain in the place of his worship the law of the land, the sign of a trail route that reveals the light of a star. Why pure dynamic force of a sweet harmony, light emanation of life, that radiance of a star is able to restore the dominion of the Angel. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.


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