Sunday, May 31, 2015

Los Hombres De Paco Epizodes

myth is poetry: the harmony of opposing tensions

Umbertide, May 2010. A man has established itself the divine, because it has found and put his heart into the Earth. 'S understandable, then, as the strong practical sense of some liberated women, could have distanced himself from her angry spirit lemnico, to make room for a more resigned and compassionate feeling. That common sense is also the most effective of sense perception, because it is resigned acknowledgment of those who see "irretrievably lost" if not "stoned" their men, presumed missing in the most fleeting mystical rapture and ecstatic raptures. But there's always something beyond the usual thinking of that, and indeed has long been that a certain mode of the inspection continues to claim errors report them on those same mistakes. The fact is, that quell'irrequietezza own soul, is nothing more than his perpetual dissatisfaction, as it were aware of the limitations of its own inherent activity, and reasons for its setbacks. And this is precisely the state that gives energy to his inner rhythm, and dynamics to his spiritual process. E 'then in this land that it creates its own history, as the true hero and true engine of universal life. She stiffens out of all property in the scenario of reality hypostatized opposing each other, and miserably self-sufficient in itself. She is out of the senseless not matter, above you there is a failure for a measure theoretical horizon unknown. The thought does have the presumption to be able to provide the genesis of the initiation of the spirit, supposed himself to be the absolute champion of his longing for unity, his native impulse to transcend the sensible. So, in that property that scenario actually know neither elevation nor decay, the soul unfolds his individual destiny, that Other self-channeling in the whirlwind of his inner rhythm. As the subject of knowledge, it knows no other court outside of himself, and for this reason that only one contempt is enriched in tending to the interview with the Divine, as well as showing reluctance to remain captive in the shadows of matter. How demiurgic power, manufacturing activity is then unconscious, whose actions, coordinate and process the appearances of the sensible world in time, under the contemplation of timeless essences. But an irrationalism that has the courage to present themselves as such, which is able to conceal and overcome rationalism, just because of mere negation, can never lead to a land that could be assessed free. Why would fall itself in a new form of rationalism and arrogant will. Then there exists a land, a dimension in which echoes the best harmony, the hidden tensions of opposites, the one who fills the vacuum reservoir of moral value, for the simple fact of letting deploy with it the possibility of an inner structure of a dialogue, through which to know and experience the best of his nature. If so, then, that puts all the conditions within the real differentiator of development, and hence the complementarity of unity and distinction within the reunification of the original, is in itself also the unfolding of a pattern of conduct and ethics of Justice . From the One are the many, as the Earth comes from the inherent function and the condition before each act of the soul over time. It 's so that the Whole Earth draws from opposing forms the unified harmony of his being. It 's still so that the hidden harmony of the tension in opposing tighten placing of the divine law, the emanation of divine roots forging empirical and intelligible matter of sublime wonder. It 's the brightest creature in the wide circle of beings, is the lucediGreta, the truth of being.


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