Sunday, May 31, 2015

Steroids Infectious Colitis

Greta Mauro Greta Mauro

Umbertide, May 2010. It does everything to cover and disregard the unity of the ambivalent relations opposites, as well as the contingent relation of unrelated elements, or changing the quality of a single substance. It 's the primary language of cosmology. Because it fails to recognize that emanates lan strange meaning, confronts us with the view of the vagueness of temporal existence of unchanging timelessness. Then, the dynamics of matter in the cosmic structure, are relegated to the only land of mysticism, and the condition that they are vital. It thus leaves room for mystery, an effective tool to shape and mold cores. To define the terrain of their easy illusions. It then outlines a motionless metaphysical scenario, the one for which the activity of the intellect raises, solicits, images, representations, shows, concludes, discriminates, distinguishes and defines. The multiplicity of logical assertions is his turf, that can guarantee the ability to move and work skillfully, obeying the blind urge to break down all barriers to constantly go beyond himself. That relationship with the manifold is filled with a latent drama, because it could only generate the same subject object otherness, brings forth the inevitable struggle between self-consciousnesses to be recognized. To the extent then that was able to experience the absolute voltage to transcend all over, all that would result in a limit concept, dissolving into pure nothingness. Yet, all that exists, because sarrebbe inconceivable to presume absolute solitude. So if the soul itself is its concept, continually stretched to its successful completion, this activity can not be that the adoption of an Absolute that manifests itself alien and its substance and its contents to make it objective. That content can not be simply opposed to all, but somehow you must participate, and indeed it is itself part, but miserably bound sensitive to appearances in which disperses. In that content is This is the reality of the noetic self-thought, and the animal life of the dark pulse. The soul struggle, struggles between losing themselves in the visible of the time, and how to regain the ecstatic essence in the infinite time limit. E 'at this point that the genius of a metaphysical thought, produces its best fruit. So to speak. The ecstatic nature of a qualitative leap, it was seen as the best care, a passionate free itself from the aspects of daily life and emptiness of that magic that flows over time. It 'an abstract work of spiritual liberation which discriminates what is most vital. The watchword seems to stiffen the opposition of two dimensions, apparently unbridgeable and irreconcilable. On the one hand the false reference to the devaluation of appearances sensitive and reconstruct the dispersion of the soul in the direction of pure contemplation. The other, the more real objectifying taking possession, by an unbridled and unconditional operation, which illuminates regions of the most vulgar subjectivism. Everything seems to be the most despicable un'ipostatizzazione drift of reality, which has never given the true nature of the Whole. But it is precisely here that the glare of a false mysticism gives way to the logic of myth. The logic of the myth is poetry, because everything is concentrated in the Earth forever. The myth is that poetry the occurrence of an event originating in the wake growth forces of the Earth, in generating the space of his stay within the Earth. The difficulty of a building, then, escapes from the rigid patterns of human representation to be brought to the limit. Bursts restless and subverts any certainty in the apparent veil conquered the New World. Greta is the Earth, is the lighting schiudentesi a quiet life in harmony that holds the most authentic truth of the world, the truth of being.


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