Sunday, May 31, 2015

Nadine Jansenswimsuit

MiaRegina. The true love

had been mentioned as the tension by being human, was the 'His only true and genuine inclination to grasp the being in its presence, its being manifestly revealed, and then illuminated by the voice of being itself. That tension, defined ontology, was typical of a unifying characteristic of the soul human, capable of relating to the original logos of all riunificante, which then determines the conditions of its own. Eternal rise and never set, was the engine of the world, was the organic teleological that animated and kept alive the physicality of a sensible world, a living world, a nature that he felt breathe and sigh, because they were the powers Earth to grant the same caresses to his creature. They were the same powers of Eros to let themselves deploy its essence as a presence in the world, in order to regulate the cycles of renewal and destruction. Then a horrible stretch, the loss of that sublime harmony, enjoy that sweet when the earth was protagonist as a source of eternal generation of the elements, as the supreme law that carried with it the secret of the flow of all things, from the motion of galaxies, the blossoming of a flower. Horrible fragmentation and segmentation of the original dominant harmony, rhythm and frantic pressing of a mechanism that divides sections, the objective in the most reckless. The power of Eros is covered in pictures of a systematic rational, everything is contained within the horizon of the sovereign subject, everything becomes a mere psychological fact. Then an inevitable fact. The fact that the passion and feeling exhausted and in subjectivity, are resolved as essentially self-love, as self-esteem, and that then the beloved, is nothing but a way of being of the sentient subject. It 'the most sterile and sterile that you've ever felt. It goes so far as the ridiculous meticulousness with which it intends to make a distinction between self-love and self-respect, recognizing the difference in the rational and necessary foundation to the will and virtue in the first case, and a more artificial and immoral yourself in the second. That does not move yourself that under the moral precepts, but only in the tendency to satisfy the selfish instincts and impulses. There is then to patch up something, and that is the fact that this yourself, yes, it can go, otherwise it would be possible to love your neighbor, but must bring something more fruitful, must hold for eternity, with the requirement that self-love should not be greater than that for the Absolute. And 'bad ecstasy of the secular use of a pleasant oblivion, it should instead recognize the true love in the altruistic virtue of charity and compassion, that is almost correct return to the ultra-sensitive function of love, I say almost, because then fades in emptiness an illusion. Why question to transcend the finite to reach a unity with the infinite unreachable, even though it is inherent to man. But where is the need to cling to those definitions and linguistic formulations if not then you can feel the slightest sign of an Earth button? I love the Earth, like the Earth, because the powers of a demon unleashed the forces of Eros, the laws that govern the entire cosmos in the finite universe of soul in torment. Those forces have the power of an intermediate nature that drives the soul mightily toward that which is immortal, while in the holds it together for what is ephemeral. That power is the law is the fate of Prometheus who lives and flourishes in bridging the chasm in the Whole. It 'the most profound love of life that continually returns to be reborn and live constantly in the hope of truth itself in place of a lost world. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.


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