Sunday, May 31, 2015

Can You Sell Liquor On Craigslist

Greta Mauro Greta Mauro

Umbertide, June 2010. We stay inside. Trapped. There remains to rot, and then stay dry. And maybe it's a good thing, a release. Liberation from a collective arrogance that does not understand that there is always something existentially so close and this, beyond a strict reasoning. And in truth not even come to be, because that way of understanding the reasons of science, continuous orgasms in adapting the material reaches its goals and technical uses of life, the short view of the utilitarian principle alter the thinking of the long time to collecting his recollection. Find it hard to get overly all'intellettività represent a definable, in the belief that accessibility is worth the world to your reasons for the more skilled work. That revival, after all, was animated by passion, a passion towards everything that could not be conceptualized, and then had to escape the scalpel of logical categories, such as ether phantasmagoric essence. Those fragmented abstractions quantitative, are not so far from the concept of dialectics, in which vortex absorbs and swallows up all of reality, completely ignoring the totality of the qualitative aspects inherent in each individual life. They ignore the fact that there is a colorful story that is becoming of the finiteness of a progressive and never random elevation. Life goes by the force of a free choice, intuition and conscience that gives color to a rich world of existence full of most vital intentionality. That revival, then, was the passion of wanting to return to the philosophy that face that he might not ever want to have, but it was fully engage. Why the need for fundamental philosophy has always been to resolve the reality as such in its character of universality. If so, then the empty abstractions and fragmentation typical of scientism, are nothing more than rational experiments, and as such can never grasp the whole in its unity. Everything that is in fact concentrated in the light of existential realities that are in themselves inconsistent, and therefore, carry with them the contradiction of light and shadow, the claim of their unification. Claim that might reveal what is most discordant, to match the preference of the more common sense than the suggestion untenable glorifies thought. All That, then, can not be identical to itself, so why would not the reality, but pure abstraction. Purely logical principle, not only indimostabile but incommunicable. Hence the problem of the communicability of the true and authentic communication. An existential reality in time and live feeds of the time. It 'so real and concrete that logically there is no room to grab the Absolute, and there is no way of going beyond the limit with which the thought will pass- grasp the abstract identical. Then existing in the magnificence of being flesh and blood so divine. And 'the concrete substantiality of a jump that characterizes the relations of the concrete world of existence, the claim to want to get even just a hug. This is complete and authentic communication. Welcome and watch the light, the more heated passion that we can bring. Greta Mauro. Volertibbenefinoammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.


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