Sunday, May 31, 2015

Coloured Tech Deck Tr

Mauro Greta Mauro bright magnificence

E 'well known as a liberal democratic thought has done in modern times, to consider those reasons theory, under which the claimant field between men and women. This demand was also carried out by a stream of materialist thought, the same that bore within it the certainty of a conviction, and indeed shared by many, that equality of social roles, both belonged to a more original form of society human. The same current of thought, then points in the laws of the market, the causes and dynamics by which the status of women has fallen to a commodity. Perhaps it is. But that argument is not exciting. There are stories, stories in which the irrationality of a poetic narrative describes places, situations, customs, and that perhaps contains within it the rational solutions to be able to understand and internalize. E ' the rationality of irrationality solutions placed a letting be, and deep within the soul of what we can offer unveiled by himself, in all its magnificence harmonic. Without force, without preconceived thoughts, no programs should be planned. There is a prolific people living on farming. In summer, the herds leave the sea to go back to the inside, in a place where they often grow date palms and lush. They collect the fruits, as they hunt for grasshoppers, which then leave to dry in the sun, in order to get the powder to be mixed with milk of their sheep. Each of them has several wives, and when he takes one for the first time, using it, the first night, walk from one to another among all the guests, joining them, and those receiving a gift. There is a hill full of woods from which flows a river. The women of that place bring the rings of leather around the ankles, and take them one for every person with whom you are united. One who bears most of all is also considered the more fascinating because loved by many men. There is a river, a river that offers unusual features compared to other rivers. There is a climate that is different than elsewhere. That river is a superabundance of life, is generating principle of the mode of being of those people. Women are strong and intelligent, make sales and leave men at home to weave cloth, and temples, to handle matters of worship. Pee standing up and moving weights on their shoulders. There is still a gulf, a part of coast dominated by a mountain steep and high. At the foot of the mountain there is a city in which no aspect of privacy can be tolerated. The women are beautiful and strong, are an active part of that community, which are showing wear veils fluttering all the beauty and harmony of their bodies. In other places, however, reprehensible habits are forcing women, at least once in their life, to take place in the sacred enclosure in which roam strangers who make their choice. Those women have a ring of rope around her head, and can not return home until that the alien has not thrown money in their presence, invoking the goddess. Cruel fate for the most ugly, because they can stay in that sacred precinct for years. It seems that the main symptom of a cultural and social degeneration, and that of wanting to be at all costs, a model considered ideal, by extending it to others and the world. It 's the time when the self becomes an absolute principle of thought, is the phase in which the representation and the production of human becomes confident in its efforts to manipulate and distort the can. It 's still not recognizing the work of the blessing of the Earth, the harmonic magnificence with which it grants to the heart and mind without pretense, without superstructures, alteration and adulteration, but only in its bright and harmonious svelatezza. This is exciting. Greta Mauro is the Earth, is a natural svelatezza, in the deepest passion that keeps alive the essence of a soul-averse world. E 'light of the overwhelming magnificence of harmonic beauty. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.


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