Sunday, May 31, 2015

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Greta Mauro: harmony of the order cosmic

Umbertide, May 2010. It 'a clever disguise to philosophical reasoning. That opens up a dialogue form the historical background of legendary character, the mythical story of the construction of the world, the same one that became the foundation of Judeo-Christian concept of creation. But beyond the mythical form, unfolds the intent to make an explicit link between the doctrine of ideas and the organization of reality of our world and our lives. That form of a dialogue, then, is nothing but the movement of thought in itself, a movement that defies any attempt at interpretation based on individual statements. Needless to then claim to derive an objective content and the mode of rational reasons to tell the likely, individually attractive, as incoherent and allusive as a fairy tale. What are they looking for? The purpose of the narrative is to highlight how the cosmic order, dictated by the axioms of the theory of ideas, that order is essentially ontological is prior to all the possibilities of human behavior and self-training. E 'precisely this way that man learns to filter the motions of propria anima, ponendo così lo sguardo su tutto ciò che esiste come copia di un mondo intelligibile. La creazione del mondo ad opera del Demiurgo è quindi un'opera di ordinamento e determinazione nel sistematicamente numerico del tempo, di tutto ciò che si presenta come illimitato, disordinato e indeterminato. Quel Demiurgo, allora, altro non è che il simbolo del passaggio dalla caotica indeterminatezza, all'armonia dell'ordine cosmico, il simbolo di un'azione produttiva che non ha motivo di essere e di espletarsi se non per il suo essere infinitamente buono. Infinitamente buono per il venir meno di quella gelosia che intende riserbare in sè quel contenuto, che infinita bontà decide invece di estrinsecare da sé. Vorrebbe che tutto like him, why shall the adoption of what human existence could put the good and the beautiful noesis as well as the uniqueness of a model, of a copy. Become so sensitive world. The narrative is strong and solemn, because it focuses on being an inclusive ideal of the world as a core principle that governs the life and movement of the entire universe. That soul is then the same organization of the universal processes of diversity and fusion. The harmonious combination of elements is resolved in the mythical language of the narrative, in which mathematics and physics of the universe unfold to leave him the most important problem of perception time, and the means by which to enable all aspects of knowledge. Language of myth reveals the struggle of the original elements in the poetic power of a sweet Theogony. Harmony of the cosmic order is faith in MiaRegina, radiating light in the truth of a poem. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.


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