Sunday, May 31, 2015

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Greta Mauro: state of intoxication explosive cosmic

Umbertide, May 2010. E 'aesthetics in its most extreme form, taken to extremes. And 'that essence of creation, in which the correlation of causes like puts an end to his cause. And 'that by which it determines the nature of the medium, that is able to appropriate and accommodate themselves in the causality of this set. E 'status explosive essence of creation. E 'state of intoxication cosmic explosion. That dominant aesthetic concept, which refers to the beautiful ideal of a sensitive region intelligible reality, the mere fact that appearances can be stated simply in itself does not itself appear to deplete the horizon a more fruitful and original thinking. It 's true that those who wish to gather itself out of the dispersion of time and space, must necessarily go beyond the perspective of reality to retrieve an inner vision, the inexpressible in which all appearances fade. E 'therefore a state of pure contemplation beyond all reason of practical interest, is that momentary away from themselves, which subsequently in returning to itself, it is more intensely to grasp their own nature and that of the surrounding world. E 'then this is the ultimate experience of the soul. It 'also true that the essence of true creation can not be the result of individual whim of arbitrary imagination subjective, but only time an expression of something universal, that does not indulge the valuable techniques. The essence of creation is therefore, in a sense, what is produced and remains in the soul and soul in a vision the whole interior. But something is missing. Something is missing because the last of the eternal hypostasis is deeply disturbed and restless, and this is due to immanence conflict dynamic of its operations. It is capable of dealing with the intelligible un'indifettibile contemplation outside of time, but at the same instant, as a principle of life and movement, is a condition of the generative process that takes place over time. It swings back and forth between the opposites of the essences eternal appearances and sensitive. Then there is the risk of running into something scary, and that is that the need for unity, embodied in thought, would make him beyond himself, idealizing the infinite richness of its being other, placed in a transcendent end. Very transcendent. Change in the direction it comes to the unity of deep thought himself, and in doing so becomes quiet, almost to remain in the illusion of timeless emanation of that transcended, with the result, however, exacerbate and accentuate the otherness of the transcendence. And 'here that breaks the state of intoxication cosmic explosion of creation, and break into the manifest be, much like the creation, as as the essence of creation. No function initiation, no rapture, no denying phenomenal appearances, no icing on the identification of natural products dell'incessante cosmic story. The Earth is because Greta is the Earth, because the roots of the earth belong to God, because the immutable forces of the elements blend into the temporality of a cosmic process, cyclically ordered by the law of the Earth. The force of the elements resolves itself and takes shape in the real Earth that opens the directions and orders of the world. The juxtaposition and harmony of the elements gives birth to the dominion of the Earth in the inner region of the world, opens new pathways to knowledge in which the mind grows. The simplicity of that harmony is an overwhelming space and let the Divine light that gives power to a star that has ravaged the course of the world. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro: restless violence of a poetic project

Umbertide, May 2010. Emerges naked from chaos and dance on the waves. Dance with wild rhythm, very wild, so much power on the desire of the north wind. That wind takes the shape of what it can wrap its coils between the limbs of the goddess. That wind is fertilized and co-generator of life, because is the reciprocal of the elements to enjoy the predominant cause of the sea and earth. But the abandonment of the Earth is not the case for the choice of a calm serenity to the tempting invitation to a flat calm and sparkling water, but is exposed to an overwhelming force of the waves and the homeless sea. It 'broke the irrepressible wave of the depths of a winter storm. It 's the size of the tragic poetic project that reveals the true human being, beyond the primitive categories of psychology and the misunderstanding of the current schemes and common of modernity. The unbridled force of the sea accords with the ongoing eruption of the domain of Earth as the supreme deity. Greta is the Earth, is the one who bestows and tireless door-to-maturity, with the calm superiority of great wealth, the endless hovering harmony of the elements. But the thought objectifying the world, being delivered to the dominance of the Earth, does not recognize the essence. Hides the truth happening to see the law reversed. In doing so it is always thrown on the roads that has opened itself, continually S'Arena and entangled in his ways that it has opened itself. It remains so ensnared more than ever apparent in the circle of his world, thereby denying the way of true knowledge. E 'lost in the chaos of its versatility, vague in its opening in each circle direzione le sue vie, arrischiandosi in tutte le sfere dell'essente. In questo cerca poi di accrescersi e conservarsi, ma con il risultato di rimanere al punto d'inizio, nell'unica via che gli è propria. Quella di non avere altra cognizione che il luogo dove egli stesso pernotta ed erra. Trascina se stesso all'esaustione, oltre il cerchio delle possibilità che le sono proprie, perché riconosce unicamente la progettualità delle regioni oggettive del proprio mondo. Vorrebbe così coinvolgere l'infaticabile Terra nell'agitazione dei propri sforzi, violarne le forze di crescita e deviarne il ciclo generativo. Vorrebbe gettare in essa i suoi lacci e le sue reti, rinchiuderla nei suoi steccati. Vorrebbe imporre ad essa i suoi miserabili giochi per better able to choose to stay. It 's the most common and usual human representation of things. It is also the view of considering the principle of common history and origin thought to be the most primitive and backward with respect to the conception of historiography as effective as sterile by mastering the technical history. But the tragic essence of human wants and the principle of history as what is most disturbing and unusual by virtue of doing violence that breaks the boundaries of the usual and familiar. To exclude those items from the peace and tranquility of their apparent world. In the usual stay within those limits, the man becomes in fact alien to its essence, because deceived by the sheer sense of inessentiality with which the powers of the predominant you grant him. Considers to be himself and to be able to have those forces, not realizing that the violence to speak of a poetic, and a draft of the thought that goes in the direction of the creative, is both a tune and harmonize those powers, by which the being is able to unfold itself. The disturbing nature of doing violence, then it is for man to find himself as a historical being, as one who keeps himself away from the real violence. Genuine and free of the actor and the injured, which is ultimately the common way of representing things. At Similarly, the beginning of the story is also the bearer of a uneasy sense than the usual view of the world. In order to signify its mystical elements of natural science and historiography. And if it must be something, then it is mythology. The rough side of his deployment and tangible is the fact could no longer maintain itself, and therefore, is the trivialization of its deformation to the extension number and quantity of the world, so as to attract the instinct of domination and the ' excess power of the human will more delicate. But the violence of a troubled project reverses the course of being poetic. Why going back to the mystery of the story, makes the occurrence of mythology a historic event that excludes the man from any relationship with the rest of his usual world. It 'an unusual heat and perspiration, is a reaction that comes from the thrill. It 's a burst of pure light of his own Earth. It 's so that the project being poetic outburst leaves the predominant power of the earth and the sea in their mutual agreement. The struggle of the Earth in its original shine within the world. And 'that reveres and preserves the original poster of the Earth in its efflux illuminate the heart of the world. He lives in the intensity of a light. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro Greta Mauro

Umbertide, May 2010. It does everything to cover and disregard the unity of the ambivalent relations opposites, as well as the contingent relation of unrelated elements, or changing the quality of a single substance. It 's the primary language of cosmology. Because it fails to recognize that emanates lan strange meaning, confronts us with the view of the vagueness of temporal existence of unchanging timelessness. Then, the dynamics of matter in the cosmic structure, are relegated to the only land of mysticism, and the condition that they are vital. It thus leaves room for mystery, an effective tool to shape and mold cores. To define the terrain of their easy illusions. It then outlines a motionless metaphysical scenario, the one for which the activity of the intellect raises, solicits, images, representations, shows, concludes, discriminates, distinguishes and defines. The multiplicity of logical assertions is his turf, that can guarantee the ability to move and work skillfully, obeying the blind urge to break down all barriers to constantly go beyond himself. That relationship with the manifold is filled with a latent drama, because it could only generate the same subject object otherness, brings forth the inevitable struggle between self-consciousnesses to be recognized. To the extent then that was able to experience the absolute voltage to transcend all over, all that would result in a limit concept, dissolving into pure nothingness. Yet, all that exists, because sarrebbe inconceivable to presume absolute solitude. So if the soul itself is its concept, continually stretched to its successful completion, this activity can not be that the adoption of an Absolute that manifests itself alien and its substance and its contents to make it objective. That content can not be simply opposed to all, but somehow you must participate, and indeed it is itself part, but miserably bound sensitive to appearances in which disperses. In that content is This is the reality of the noetic self-thought, and the animal life of the dark pulse. The soul struggle, struggles between losing themselves in the visible of the time, and how to regain the ecstatic essence in the infinite time limit. E 'at this point that the genius of a metaphysical thought, produces its best fruit. So to speak. The ecstatic nature of a qualitative leap, it was seen as the best care, a passionate free itself from the aspects of daily life and emptiness of that magic that flows over time. It 'an abstract work of spiritual liberation which discriminates what is most vital. The watchword seems to stiffen the opposition of two dimensions, apparently unbridgeable and irreconcilable. On the one hand the false reference to the devaluation of appearances sensitive and reconstruct the dispersion of the soul in the direction of pure contemplation. The other, the more real objectifying taking possession, by an unbridled and unconditional operation, which illuminates regions of the most vulgar subjectivism. Everything seems to be the most despicable un'ipostatizzazione drift of reality, which has never given the true nature of the Whole. But it is precisely here that the glare of a false mysticism gives way to the logic of myth. The logic of the myth is poetry, because everything is concentrated in the Earth forever. The myth is that poetry the occurrence of an event originating in the wake growth forces of the Earth, in generating the space of his stay within the Earth. The difficulty of a building, then, escapes from the rigid patterns of human representation to be brought to the limit. Bursts restless and subverts any certainty in the apparent veil conquered the New World. Greta is the Earth, is the lighting schiudentesi a quiet life in harmony that holds the most authentic truth of the world, the truth of being.

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myth is poetry: the harmony of opposing tensions

Umbertide, May 2010. A man has established itself the divine, because it has found and put his heart into the Earth. 'S understandable, then, as the strong practical sense of some liberated women, could have distanced himself from her angry spirit lemnico, to make room for a more resigned and compassionate feeling. That common sense is also the most effective of sense perception, because it is resigned acknowledgment of those who see "irretrievably lost" if not "stoned" their men, presumed missing in the most fleeting mystical rapture and ecstatic raptures. But there's always something beyond the usual thinking of that, and indeed has long been that a certain mode of the inspection continues to claim errors report them on those same mistakes. The fact is, that quell'irrequietezza own soul, is nothing more than his perpetual dissatisfaction, as it were aware of the limitations of its own inherent activity, and reasons for its setbacks. And this is precisely the state that gives energy to his inner rhythm, and dynamics to his spiritual process. E 'then in this land that it creates its own history, as the true hero and true engine of universal life. She stiffens out of all property in the scenario of reality hypostatized opposing each other, and miserably self-sufficient in itself. She is out of the senseless not matter, above you there is a failure for a measure theoretical horizon unknown. The thought does have the presumption to be able to provide the genesis of the initiation of the spirit, supposed himself to be the absolute champion of his longing for unity, his native impulse to transcend the sensible. So, in that property that scenario actually know neither elevation nor decay, the soul unfolds his individual destiny, that Other self-channeling in the whirlwind of his inner rhythm. As the subject of knowledge, it knows no other court outside of himself, and for this reason that only one contempt is enriched in tending to the interview with the Divine, as well as showing reluctance to remain captive in the shadows of matter. How demiurgic power, manufacturing activity is then unconscious, whose actions, coordinate and process the appearances of the sensible world in time, under the contemplation of timeless essences. But an irrationalism that has the courage to present themselves as such, which is able to conceal and overcome rationalism, just because of mere negation, can never lead to a land that could be assessed free. Why would fall itself in a new form of rationalism and arrogant will. Then there exists a land, a dimension in which echoes the best harmony, the hidden tensions of opposites, the one who fills the vacuum reservoir of moral value, for the simple fact of letting deploy with it the possibility of an inner structure of a dialogue, through which to know and experience the best of his nature. If so, then, that puts all the conditions within the real differentiator of development, and hence the complementarity of unity and distinction within the reunification of the original, is in itself also the unfolding of a pattern of conduct and ethics of Justice . From the One are the many, as the Earth comes from the inherent function and the condition before each act of the soul over time. It 's so that the Whole Earth draws from opposing forms the unified harmony of his being. It 's still so that the hidden harmony of the tension in opposing tighten placing of the divine law, the emanation of divine roots forging empirical and intelligible matter of sublime wonder. It 's the brightest creature in the wide circle of beings, is the lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro: detection of a star

Umbertide, May 2010. Will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be neither sorrow nor crying of pain, for the former things have passed away. One of the seven stars is the new Earth and new Heaven, as the former heaven and earth have passed earlier, and the sea is no longer. The words are faithful and true, the real truth of the need for a new beginning, in the revelation of an cosmological form of poetry. Because the event of a new beginning to end is the revelation of a star in the reality of a poem. I saw her come down from heaven adorned with light. And 'the eruption and the intercession of the Earth itself, because the combination of the elements is the domain of the Angel, and the quiet fury of those is the glory of the test. Having the glory, its splendor is like precious stone, the amethyst jasper, pearls from the pure gold, the happy remaining in itself, all'emanazione di una grazia armonica quale albero della vita. E' il trascendere dell'inizio, verso il compimento di ciò che sembra trovare posto solo in seno all'esperienza creatrice di un continuo divenire. All'interno di quella trasfigurazione del vivere, che nel suo fondamento è l'indomito e tumultuoso accavallarsi di pulsioni e passioni. Un sovrabbondare di stimoli e istinti che è poi un mettere in atto visioni e pretese, con il rischio di un abbandono al puro fluire di ciò che creando, possa anche distruggere se stesso. E' per tale motivo che il fondamento primo di quel fluire, è ciò che dispone la vita in uno stato d'animo, spesso votato al caotico decorso verso la dissoluzione, altre volte ancora alla cerchia delimitante e stabilizer schematization of everyday life. But there is a will, to make alive the wave of the overwhelming desire diveniente, causing self-assurance and the need for action perspective on a new stability and survival. It 's so that the indomitable tumult of living brings with it the demand for his designing stabilization, in order to ensure the possibility of its stability and security, in view of a new existence. And 'setting the chaotic patterns in the implementation of what thrills and pressing, something that remains in its stability and security. And this is nothing but the highest agreement, as part of a struggle for essential purposes, humanity that history continually builds on top of him. It 's still that void that simply boil and froth regions in the particularity of bodily experiences, which if not built to the essence of life, living by the cartel mislead the regent's own identity. Since the foundation of authentic as possible. But Revelation of a Star, gives the soul the strength of the unusual, because the need for that new beginning has no purpose or purposes, or growth or storage, or goals or ambitions. He does not want the world, but only remain in the place of his worship the law of the land, the sign of a trail route that reveals the light of a star. Why pure dynamic force of a sweet harmony, light emanation of life, that radiance of a star is able to restore the dominion of the Angel. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro: harmony of the order cosmic

Umbertide, May 2010. It 'a clever disguise to philosophical reasoning. That opens up a dialogue form the historical background of legendary character, the mythical story of the construction of the world, the same one that became the foundation of Judeo-Christian concept of creation. But beyond the mythical form, unfolds the intent to make an explicit link between the doctrine of ideas and the organization of reality of our world and our lives. That form of a dialogue, then, is nothing but the movement of thought in itself, a movement that defies any attempt at interpretation based on individual statements. Needless to then claim to derive an objective content and the mode of rational reasons to tell the likely, individually attractive, as incoherent and allusive as a fairy tale. What are they looking for? The purpose of the narrative is to highlight how the cosmic order, dictated by the axioms of the theory of ideas, that order is essentially ontological is prior to all the possibilities of human behavior and self-training. E 'precisely this way that man learns to filter the motions of propria anima, ponendo così lo sguardo su tutto ciò che esiste come copia di un mondo intelligibile. La creazione del mondo ad opera del Demiurgo è quindi un'opera di ordinamento e determinazione nel sistematicamente numerico del tempo, di tutto ciò che si presenta come illimitato, disordinato e indeterminato. Quel Demiurgo, allora, altro non è che il simbolo del passaggio dalla caotica indeterminatezza, all'armonia dell'ordine cosmico, il simbolo di un'azione produttiva che non ha motivo di essere e di espletarsi se non per il suo essere infinitamente buono. Infinitamente buono per il venir meno di quella gelosia che intende riserbare in sè quel contenuto, che infinita bontà decide invece di estrinsecare da sé. Vorrebbe che tutto like him, why shall the adoption of what human existence could put the good and the beautiful noesis as well as the uniqueness of a model, of a copy. Become so sensitive world. The narrative is strong and solemn, because it focuses on being an inclusive ideal of the world as a core principle that governs the life and movement of the entire universe. That soul is then the same organization of the universal processes of diversity and fusion. The harmonious combination of elements is resolved in the mythical language of the narrative, in which mathematics and physics of the universe unfold to leave him the most important problem of perception time, and the means by which to enable all aspects of knowledge. Language of myth reveals the struggle of the original elements in the poetic power of a sweet Theogony. Harmony of the cosmic order is faith in MiaRegina, radiating light in the truth of a poem. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro Greta philosophy of a poem

Umbertide, May 2010. The credit was to have recovered myth and poetry, to have transposed these forms to the highest level of truth dialectical philosophy. There was no condemnation of myth and poetry as such, but only trying to rip that content to the forms of vulgar un'oralità camouflage. That kind of orality broke the harmony and unity of personality, because it involved the identification with the character, and thus the identification of assimilation tense emotional ways of being and thinking of others. Those statements poetic forms rifacentesi camouflage of the oral tradition, could not contain itself any real form of knowledge, but only belong to the sphere opinio. Because they come only by the passionate and irrational soul, without the possibility of rational mediation. Why the irrational part is to imitate the imitations, the ontological picture of the material world as it unfolds. The problem was therefore to change the structure of myth and poetry of the well-known oral tradition, whose persuasive force and did not take any account of deductive and brought with him the truth of a rational discourse that can only be traced to the dialectic. Those dialogues, then become philosophical poetry through the transformation of comedy and tragedy in philosophy, and dialectical reinterpretation of theatrical form. E 'philosophy of poetry as an expression of the myth. Some content, some thematic fact, by their very nature, are struggling to be expressed by way of rigorous concepts dialectical dialectical because the pure knowledge is only possible with reference to the world of ideas. In contrast all forms of reality that are related to the evolution of the cosmos and of history, and are therefore time dependent, they are treated using the likely size of the myth. The story in the form of myth is the speech because of that thinks in pictures and images, is therefore thought itself that leads to the truth, the same way of thinking in concepts. It 's so that a philosophy of poetry, constituting myth philosophical works in synergy with the concept, but compared to this, has the advantage of being more communicative and persuasive, for the simple fact that reality diveniente history, which are not, escapes and understanding man. For this reason, the form and content of the mythical representation does not exclude itself from the operation of those principles that bring the world of ideas in connection with the emerging history subordinate to it. It 's just using this particular form of philosophy of myth and poetry, mobility and complexity of life in all its aspects can be understood. Philosophy of a poem thus becomes that aspect of reality that is beyond the single concept, because it is able to express the fullness of life at its most authentic, pure passion, pure obsession, the sheer admiration, pure feeling, unproductive get out of a restless, but the fullness of preserving the essence of a star. Think of the difference in mythical belonging to each other, then the same place where the reception is poetic to say. Greta Mauro. Finoammorire live for you. Why tivogliobbenedammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Mauro Greta Mauro bright magnificence

E 'well known as a liberal democratic thought has done in modern times, to consider those reasons theory, under which the claimant field between men and women. This demand was also carried out by a stream of materialist thought, the same that bore within it the certainty of a conviction, and indeed shared by many, that equality of social roles, both belonged to a more original form of society human. The same current of thought, then points in the laws of the market, the causes and dynamics by which the status of women has fallen to a commodity. Perhaps it is. But that argument is not exciting. There are stories, stories in which the irrationality of a poetic narrative describes places, situations, customs, and that perhaps contains within it the rational solutions to be able to understand and internalize. E ' the rationality of irrationality solutions placed a letting be, and deep within the soul of what we can offer unveiled by himself, in all its magnificence harmonic. Without force, without preconceived thoughts, no programs should be planned. There is a prolific people living on farming. In summer, the herds leave the sea to go back to the inside, in a place where they often grow date palms and lush. They collect the fruits, as they hunt for grasshoppers, which then leave to dry in the sun, in order to get the powder to be mixed with milk of their sheep. Each of them has several wives, and when he takes one for the first time, using it, the first night, walk from one to another among all the guests, joining them, and those receiving a gift. There is a hill full of woods from which flows a river. The women of that place bring the rings of leather around the ankles, and take them one for every person with whom you are united. One who bears most of all is also considered the more fascinating because loved by many men. There is a river, a river that offers unusual features compared to other rivers. There is a climate that is different than elsewhere. That river is a superabundance of life, is generating principle of the mode of being of those people. Women are strong and intelligent, make sales and leave men at home to weave cloth, and temples, to handle matters of worship. Pee standing up and moving weights on their shoulders. There is still a gulf, a part of coast dominated by a mountain steep and high. At the foot of the mountain there is a city in which no aspect of privacy can be tolerated. The women are beautiful and strong, are an active part of that community, which are showing wear veils fluttering all the beauty and harmony of their bodies. In other places, however, reprehensible habits are forcing women, at least once in their life, to take place in the sacred enclosure in which roam strangers who make their choice. Those women have a ring of rope around her head, and can not return home until that the alien has not thrown money in their presence, invoking the goddess. Cruel fate for the most ugly, because they can stay in that sacred precinct for years. It seems that the main symptom of a cultural and social degeneration, and that of wanting to be at all costs, a model considered ideal, by extending it to others and the world. It 's the time when the self becomes an absolute principle of thought, is the phase in which the representation and the production of human becomes confident in its efforts to manipulate and distort the can. It 's still not recognizing the work of the blessing of the Earth, the harmonic magnificence with which it grants to the heart and mind without pretense, without superstructures, alteration and adulteration, but only in its bright and harmonious svelatezza. This is exciting. Greta Mauro is the Earth, is a natural svelatezza, in the deepest passion that keeps alive the essence of a soul-averse world. E 'light of the overwhelming magnificence of harmonic beauty. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Umbertide, May 2010. In that concept so empty of time, the time of life vanishes. In quell'assolutizzazione of time, thought so abstract, and that they can be grasped by pure intuition, seems to detract from the suffering of impermanence. The time of life is a life time, is to be fatigued and exhausted by the time things, because the reflex sensitivity of an incalculable amount of time is the power of a demon that devours its creatures in the vortex of the mutation of one of his and spend endless becoming. E 'for this time of life that wants to abandon his labor, to the decline of the passage of time. He wants to take upon himself the measure to undo the neglect of their inner world, then admitted that the preference given to the passage of time, rather than the knowledge of one's self, can actually lead to a feeling of aversion at the time. The fact is that for many lucky, nothing is a problem, except The major concern in being excluded from a collective blind arrogance, which would require the diversity of interests and willingness of the group of which that privilege is under sopraffattrice violence. And 'the invalidity of peacefully forever. In the background can not be kept in being only through a continuous cycle of renewal and regeneration, through that ever again believe that is sufficient unto himself, as changeable copy and countable eternity. It, therefore, can not help but keep away from himself what he always remains himself, as if that would remain the eternal denial of his being to reach out more. But the labor of man, if it is able to rise and be aware, is redeemed simply a form of thought and in a mood to assign the powers of Eros, the function of a contropotenza saving. The power of Eros shatters immobile eternity of the heavenly bodies, because it creates space for an eternal sky seen on Earth, make it immortal what passes and older. Life time is then the pursuit of a new memory that goes beyond the fallacy of the views, because a unit of thought on realizing a true knowledge of the most trivial representations. E 'life of the soul that moves in time and that puts the world created in the employ of the time. But as the unit of a multiple dispersed, is the stability of an eternal belong to the essence of a star, which remains ever the demon of time to soften. It 's the star of MiaRegina to allow for the detection of the most noble acts for the most beautiful emotions. Bud of a star as long as it is to come. Greta Mauro. Finoammorire live for you. Why tivogliobbenedammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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MiaRegina life time. The problem is I

Umbertide, May 2010. Well. Thus was born the instance. The origin. There still continues to be looked ugly, emanated from the suggestibility something with which a certain aptitude for comedy and drama, plays more instinctively becere forms of collective hysteria. And I do not mean a simple and harmless spirit of aggregation, nor alterations in emotional reactivity, which could easily lead to changes in the normal state of consciousness. Nor is the scope of the normality of an instinctive behavior, which, insofar as he joins a rational principle of responsibility, it becomes a dynamic principle which determines and regulates interpersonal relationships and social organization in general, in all its aspects. The problem lies elsewhere. The problem is when the enlightened guidance of reason and the principle of responsibility dissolves into disorder native of politics, a certain part of the dominant political party that increases the instinctive ego in the direction of ownership, infringement and domain name. The problem is when that kind of innate instincts remain mere provisions that do not ever give birth in the power of knowledge of dialectical truth, and therefore, desirable feeding significantly in judging the location of the utility and convenience. The problem is when that trend component, radically unconscious, struggling to be integrated into the overall structure of the highest human values. In fact, this instinctive dynamism grew ever stronger, because it obeys the laws of his dirty, and in doing so becomes insatiable. The problem is there when the violence of the trend component prepares and paves the way for the capacity of acquiring habits, shameful habits, dirty habits, the spaces in which those instincts proliferate property and domain. The problem is when wealthy people, from the height of their powers, seek to assign to each target and opined that they considered as the most appropriate. This causes easy to establish the rules of all goes without saying, the second viscosity, according to the arbitrary rules of relationships strips. You get more in you want to delete and nullify the power and capabilities of those who goes against, you get to draw the lines on any intellectual and physical energy that does not go in that direction. You get to manipulate, to deny and distort. It goes so far as to amend the identity of the sender, who can not find more satisfaction than to speak in this manner. MiaRegina. The problem is me. The problem is the schizophrenic nature of a little soul that worships the Earth, which receives the blessing of the Earth, which is established in the law of the acceptance of earth and live for the Earth. The problem is the powers of Eros, who burst into life beyond those components morbidly instinctive for him to bring those energies to bud and bear fruit as the salvific powers. The problem is the extraordinary power of a life from nothing and nothing. It 's just that of giving even their lives to experience the totality of the world. The light of a world. The world of marriage. Why Greta Mauro you can die. MiaRegina. Finoammorire live for you. Why tivogliobbenedammorire. And 'truth of being.

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MiaRegina. The true love

had been mentioned as the tension by being human, was the 'His only true and genuine inclination to grasp the being in its presence, its being manifestly revealed, and then illuminated by the voice of being itself. That tension, defined ontology, was typical of a unifying characteristic of the soul human, capable of relating to the original logos of all riunificante, which then determines the conditions of its own. Eternal rise and never set, was the engine of the world, was the organic teleological that animated and kept alive the physicality of a sensible world, a living world, a nature that he felt breathe and sigh, because they were the powers Earth to grant the same caresses to his creature. They were the same powers of Eros to let themselves deploy its essence as a presence in the world, in order to regulate the cycles of renewal and destruction. Then a horrible stretch, the loss of that sublime harmony, enjoy that sweet when the earth was protagonist as a source of eternal generation of the elements, as the supreme law that carried with it the secret of the flow of all things, from the motion of galaxies, the blossoming of a flower. Horrible fragmentation and segmentation of the original dominant harmony, rhythm and frantic pressing of a mechanism that divides sections, the objective in the most reckless. The power of Eros is covered in pictures of a systematic rational, everything is contained within the horizon of the sovereign subject, everything becomes a mere psychological fact. Then an inevitable fact. The fact that the passion and feeling exhausted and in subjectivity, are resolved as essentially self-love, as self-esteem, and that then the beloved, is nothing but a way of being of the sentient subject. It 'the most sterile and sterile that you've ever felt. It goes so far as the ridiculous meticulousness with which it intends to make a distinction between self-love and self-respect, recognizing the difference in the rational and necessary foundation to the will and virtue in the first case, and a more artificial and immoral yourself in the second. That does not move yourself that under the moral precepts, but only in the tendency to satisfy the selfish instincts and impulses. There is then to patch up something, and that is the fact that this yourself, yes, it can go, otherwise it would be possible to love your neighbor, but must bring something more fruitful, must hold for eternity, with the requirement that self-love should not be greater than that for the Absolute. And 'bad ecstasy of the secular use of a pleasant oblivion, it should instead recognize the true love in the altruistic virtue of charity and compassion, that is almost correct return to the ultra-sensitive function of love, I say almost, because then fades in emptiness an illusion. Why question to transcend the finite to reach a unity with the infinite unreachable, even though it is inherent to man. But where is the need to cling to those definitions and linguistic formulations if not then you can feel the slightest sign of an Earth button? I love the Earth, like the Earth, because the powers of a demon unleashed the forces of Eros, the laws that govern the entire cosmos in the finite universe of soul in torment. Those forces have the power of an intermediate nature that drives the soul mightily toward that which is immortal, while in the holds it together for what is ephemeral. That power is the law is the fate of Prometheus who lives and flourishes in bridging the chasm in the Whole. It 'the most profound love of life that continually returns to be reborn and live constantly in the hope of truth itself in place of a lost world. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro essence of harmony schiudentesi

Umbertide, May 2010. Losing one's life effectual in gaining a vital category of existence. The pulsating rhythm of what is able to govern its own law, written outside of time. It 's the mature attentions of strangers in the world, which by their nature, must necessarily go to meet more drastic misunderstanding of meaning. And 'the reciprocity of a comic contrast, the interaction with the everyday world. Means. And 'the reciprocity of a comedian exchange, that of an instinctive detachment from the concerns of those who are slaves of the time, repaid commedialmente those, the crusaders of the time, who have no knowledge of the essence of progress, but to move in the changing of time. But the real effects of reciprocity belongs to the internal structure of a higher world, which must use the same form of the myth for its legitimate expression. The weather there was still time and it was not. A beautiful nature preserved in that state its moment of quiet, thinking of continuing in the dimension of the generation before, without the need for later. But the nature moves, and with it moves the time. He moved to the necessity and the desire to be herself in its otherness, to be fully aware of himself in thinking that his being in himself more. This is because the nature is pure grace, is a concentration of generosity in the brightness of a schiudentesi harmony. He moved to see his other nature move in time, toward what is beginning to occur in itself since the beginning, and thus to the nature of the later, which is never identical to itself, but it is always and continuously in the other time. That nature is the other concern that do not agree to maintain itself only in itself, written in his luminous presence. E 'restless nature that constantly wants to transfer and alienate itself from the object of that entrancing presence. That logos, that reunify his human soul, must otherwise transfer the object of that vision, so as to express the essence of a luminous presence. Create Create as they wish. But it creates. There is a strange way, special, all unique to preserve the unity which is immanent to the soul. Particular, its being spread in the unit, losses to non-self, who has been employed in the multiplicity of time, and added over time. Particular aspect, must take into account a reciprocal relationship to the eternal issue can not and should not provide. The negativity of a generous donation, in fact, belongs as much to all as to the part. Soul, So, it brings together, includes in its time possibilizzazione possible, both in thought, and in its movements, in all of his feelings. Temporalized herself eternity because it imparts to the changing time. It 's his time, life time, his passion for the stability of a timeless period of time. The act of creation, then throws in the daily changing of the time sensitivity of the vacuum, but in doing so, carries with it a vision of eternity and the essence that moves, giving full effect and meaning to his world. And 'the immanent presence which creates a unique internal rhythm to be in the world. E 'pure obsession. Pure admiration. E 'essence of a sensible reflection the act of a bright schiudentesi harmony. It 's the charm of beauty to trace the course of my illness. E 'Greta Mauro contradict the eternal return of summer to the more delayed the sense that true love object can produce by itself for the future. Because of that I will die. MiaRegina. Tivogliobbenedammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro Greta Mauro

Umbertide, June 2010. A lost world, which you can still catch something, as something that glorious history. Glorious, however poor in its imaginative power in the use of myth. Required to comply was determined by the religious fear of the divine. It was the sincere practice of worship, in the particularity of its ritual acts to permit the continuation of divination. But all he brought with him a sketch of rational design in the direction of the practical legal aspects, and not the contemplative knowledge of the divine. Those aspects of divination in fact have their roots in a legal practice, reflect the ethical issues associated activities which have their impact later in the philosophical foundations of a thought not too fruitful. Because often relegated to the fate of a pantheism and the scope of utilitarian practicality of living. E 'was rightly pointed out, as the philosophical thought of Rome, disguised by religion, is completely exhausted in his legal thinking, as well as religious devotion becomes a legal part of the urine of Rome. In the same way that the absoluteness of the divine law, incarnating in the state, becomes a teacher and executioners of the will and freedom of the individual, the assumption of his freedom. That philosophy of law was able to guarantee and strengthen the social order, but at the same time, greatly circumscribed the limits of thought and spiritual experience. The value of personality. In the same way that the public rituals lustrativi made so superficial and hasty manner in which the freedom from guilt to reconcile with the absolute. There are missing the irrational desire of the individual susceptible to pain and annihilated by the atrocities of life. Missing the need for reconciliation with the flow of all the Fisis, that sweet sound that is not included in the meanderings of its inessential. Lacks the strength and harmony of the earth, and be felt in his pulse, and therefore, miss his presence in the intention of the most irrational of existing notes to the most noble practices of worship. You still breathing and breathe some air, is in itself something that through historical memory, perhaps too much to do with the rational character of social and political, that legacy, were the universal significance of Roman law. Atmosphere, however, and in any event, the historical memory of a lost world, the hope is the recollection of the advent of a future happening. The demon of a moment, then realizes the real time of a historian, because the time continually assails those eternal hypostasis, as well as eternity flows continuously over time. E 'ambiguity and reciprocity of a relationship that sees the weather interfere with eternity. In the warmth of summer, like a madman, the cyclical nature of the frenzied raid chasing the dream of passion. E ' a network of places, looks, ways of being and talking. And 'the irruption of the Earth, the passion of his recollection. Circus Maximus to the sudden dive in the fountain of Savello Park. Da Ponte Sisto in Campo di Fiori. Via Giulia, Piazza Navona. By Saints Peter and Paul to that of S. Paul. And 'the timelessness of a presence, never known the end, but always already present in the custody of a Roman history, the historicity of a Roman that amplifies its echo in the originality of a say. MiaRegina. Volertibbene finoammorire. Why tivogliobbenedammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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historians of the Roman: size unique and indispensable

's funny how the thought can not be so full of himself, and so arrogant as to fail to see his every longing of mesenteric artery, without being fully aware. Has before it the highways, the wide open spaces on which to move easily in many different directions. Nevertheless, superbly manages to fail in every potential act, devoid of content because, as a slave to the theatricality that attitude, that while they cheered and color to life, indifferent to the slightest frammnento of magnitude. The fact is even more strange as that attitude a comedy, is a stubborn ritonfare in its own failures, with the same vehemence with which flashes of body, leaving the easy step-by-formulation and elaboration of a degree of thought. Is also part of the reciprocal effects, which overlooks the overwhelming evidence in his interpersonal relationships. A fact. It is humbly presented as a modest historian, because in reality it was one of the few historians who knew how to think and to perceive the intimate and necessary course of world history, consider that element of greatness. But the concept of magnitude is deeply revised and revisited in the light of irrationality and feeling. Although it is true that this concept can not be defined as part of a systematic and scientific, the fact remains that it should be in reference to action of individuals, action that can not be separated from the cause-effect relationship. Focuses on those individuals then the movement of world history, fall's permanent and reciprocal influences of its powers. E 'then the concept of universal history as the unfolding of the objective spirit in the world. And 'the weakening of the human spirit, its inner ethical categories, of his passion and commitment of its existence, to strengthen the cunning of reason as a universal end. Then the words would not be unique and essential to define clearly the concept of greatness. But they are. It is. E 'unique and indispensable because it is big. E 'size because without you the world appears dark and incomplete, because without her moral and intellectual energies should not be in the direction of humanity live in the universal whole. E 'unique and indispensable for peaceful and attractive material that shapes the deaf in the world, because it embraces and dominates with his eyes, the singularity of a life that you can reconstruct the totality of his estranged world. E 'size only because higher spiritual happiness that opens the door to the inner region of the heart, because it influences the level of history from its arid and flat motor. And 'the powerful beam of a magnitude that illuminates a world. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro Greta Mauro

Umbertide, June 2010. It 'a situation in which even the tragic can give consolation, and besides, if you are not able to silence that little child inside of us, it's because you need the spell of the myth, the myth which makes the tragedy his best poetry. When the changing of time becomes nourishment of the soul, true knowledge can only be sought through the power of the spell, because it is impossible to break the chains with the world. In the same way you are too stressed the need by which to raise and transfigure the everyday mediocrity of ballast to the higher sphere in which everything is great, beautiful and meaningful. But out of this world. And 'when sound and color stone, trying to fix in a world of art and poetry, all that runs before your eyes quickly and unevenly, whose propulsive energy and creative power, were too often relegated to a divine too and far out man. Transcendent his condition. But that is the root of the divine birth of God in the soul, is un'autocreazione interior and more. It 's the true birth of man. AB got rid soon from the confines of the Marxist dialectic, to arrive at an ethics of creativity, which required the most complete freedom, rather than submit to the moralism of formal ethics rules. Fact that ethics is addressed to the person alive, to his personal life, the little dramas of his weaknesses, his passions, his creations, which works as the creature of the Creator, is itself called upon to create. Prefer life to the ethics law, he prefers the freedom of real moral energy, compared to the constraints of a strict moral formalism. Ethic then becomes the inner self-creation of a new world, that world where you can admire the depth of life, the work of the spirit which is constituted as a personality. As a personality, he lives his life with conscience and responsibility, lives profoundly his passions and vocations, spent his solitude as nostalgia for the Absolute that leads to freedom in search of their own humanity. In that freedom is, therefore, lies the mystery of the world, because it transcends the narrow circle-insulated where individuality is linked to the banality of existence common. Why is still the same freedom of a community to realize the inner tension towards something else within the world. That inner freedom then breaks the chains that bind the self objectification social aspects, and in doing so, the rehabilitation activities of the mind towards a more fruitful personality. Towards a more authentic existence. The spirit is life in the sense of interior intensity of existence, is thus creative personality that enriches the color and opaque world of objectivity. The spirit is the inner dynamics of what that reveal severe, because most significant event of a life that freely creates its own personality. Spirituality and staff in mind, why be a light that illuminates a forgotten world, to the fullness of the sacredness of their relationship announcing able to hear and feel. Greta Mauro. Finoammorire live for you. Why tivogliobbenedammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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personality is spirit. The door of the east

Usils and tivr. But all are issues that belong in and to the Earth, because the cosmic symbolism of relationships and correspondences between the various elements of the universe is contained in the microcosm of the Earth as a mirror of the world. Seems to give the finger to his lips to tell you to shut up, to invite you to close your eyes and mouth, but initiated into the mysteries of initiation into the arcane, such by building an intimate communion with his own divine being. What would then have the advantage of a mystical contemplative than mysteries, then that if the transcendent is in soul and deep center accessible through intuition that leads the soul to see within himself? The main difference is certainly the total adherence to the Word, but as a purely intellectual mysticism which fills his distance from the Creator through the enactment of the Holy Spirit, that state is not qualitatively superior tear operated on by the rite divinity, towards solutions pantheistic. The result is, however, the inner experience of the Absolute, is the intimate and permanent union with the deity. A consultation of astrology made a universal semantics that reached the highest level of refinement, and had no previous if not in the cultures of Middle Eastern peoples. He was obsessive and anxious attention, one that addressed aspects of the cosmic order, because everything was subject to a universal order, everything was thought to be the product of divine will, that man wanted to know his duties and his fate. E 'for this reason that any exception to the rhythm of the Earth, every little change over the forces of growth and anomaly of the Earth, the universe was a symptom of degeneration, which provided such as an alarm felt by humans. Knowing how to interpret the omen, as an announcement of the divine will, then, was the noblest function within the state, and therefore the domain of fate was not so inevitable and crucial take-off which exclude the space and the possibility of an initiative by man. So it was apparently possible to change a future course, it was possible to divert the course of what might appear as predetermined, it was possible to go in the deepest mystery of the divine, beyond the simple and superficial fulfillment of ritual obligations, which the Romans were the routine. A great work of arms, to smooth and polish to make with that kind to the proportion between the two lobes, with the boundary between their interconnected groove on with this process papillaris, irrefutable sign of the presence of divinity. The largest ever conducted by the transfiguration, in which the subject had resided the main focus and between the arts of divination. Just below the highest place of the tail, about two hundred yards dall'excelsissimo site of the triad, is one of the three ports are consecrated. And 'the door of the east, borders open space and the gaze of the gods propitious to the dial, just in front of the place where a thousand years there is the quiet magnificence of the hermitage. The same as before even coming into the presence kept watch and watch again on the persistence of these ancient practices of divination. It 's a lovely place, and is the highest to be seen by noon, because that would be because it was intended. Why the mystery of a particular experience of the divine mystery is enclosed and the same land granted by the very nature of his creation. It 's a magical place, because the reality of an illusion moves his space and the light is thought of as an extension of being. And 'the persistence of a small part of becoming, and is the most beautiful ever existed on Earth. E 'sweet sound, happy event, is a natural spontaneity shocking. E 'reflection of light from the Earth. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro: intensity of pure power

Umbertide, June 2010. It was the beginning not the item. The element is that as you address the body on the floor of the same body, as part of its quality and properties. And 'what is able to join and to compose more complex forms. The principle is rather a constituent of the body, and as such is pure potentiality and uncertainty. And 'universal principle of physical reality that can reach its determination in the multiple varieties of any shape. It is neither sensible nor intelligible, and therefore unknowable as indeterminate. But it is necessary for understanding and substrate for the occurrence of phenomena. By explaining the properties of those. E 'first substrate for ciascunché, which essentially and not accidentally drift anything. It 'not the entity to which belongs neither quality nor quantity nor extension nor movement, but only the eternal birth of a pure power that makes it intelligible to become, unable to assign to that the need for ever new formations, in the real significant extension of its mutability. If the principle is pure power, then, matter is the raw material in its being the first act, in the intensity of pure power. Intensity of a mental state how deep life of the soul escapes the outside space of numerical multiplicity, size measurement of time. It 'an inner state of mind, that of an inner life that is real length of time, lived out of the measurability of its time. Because he wants to measure its quality remedies in property of an eternal and lasting event. Event of the passion that refuses the distinction inside her soul, to the intimate interaction of innate truth volgenti the principle of being good to your hand. Ingenito dance around the truth of their most inspired form in the place which does not allow them to drop the one outside the other, because everything was of a qualitatively penetrate nell'intemporale interior to rest. It 's a hold of him the eternity of a principle that resolves immutability of a primordial matter. It 'a keep it the pure possibility of a non-dispersion in measurable and in the changing of time. Because intensity of pure power, dissolving the outer space to make a manifold, in the way that discursive thought is able to move and develop as processuality him the easiest imaginable. In order to achieve its magnificent grounds of his reign nell'inconsistente more vain representation. Seizing a moment after the other in the causal chain of alleged forms you can order as part of a sequence, so as to take firm what it deems to be in turn the truth. But the acts of the soul are not so far away from the upheaval of the inner life of a self that escapes the discursive reason of a sterile concepts. What then is the true purpose of the soul? He wants the light, wants to welcome and protect that light, the desire is always already able to own what is looking. Because that light is the same whereby a new me see. By which I accept to see. Without which I would not even be able to know the direction of a possible erramento. E 'pure power of a primordial matter. E 'intensity of pure power in the eternal time that is always to come. Greta Mauro. Finoammorire live for you. Why tivogliobbenedammorire. E 'light of Greta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro Greta melody of a theogony

Umbertide, June 2010. That critique of mythical consciousness necessarily had to go meet the paradox of a crazy business. The critical aspect of science and a branch of philosophy, it does not see kindly to the attempt to understand the systematic unity of the internal structure of the mythical story. A critique seems to get its meaning fundamental work of careful investigation, as the foundations of the possibility of an event, although still at the core of truth that belongs to him. A warning is ancient and it permeates the course of Western thought. E 'to implement the distance, the separation of absolutism by the appearance of not being sure, to disregard the fanciful tale transfigured. Why in danger of misunderstanding, and therefore carry the virus strain of the truth. That scientific rigor, then, is only undertaken to separate the fantasy element, from the historical truth of the facts. And that's good. But it has its limits. What I mean is that the transfiguration to is illusory, then the same activity of mind, her deepest needs. And 'the vital need to give meaning to their world, especially when that world conceals the illuminating power of the earth and sublime. Quell'illusorio then, is the manifestation of a life force that lives in harmony and spontaneity of primal forces. E 'naive soul of a poem that will be concealed in order to encompass all areas of rational ball in the cold. And 'the utmost confidence in the consciousness of theoretical knowledge, which means as much to get rid of the element of myth, to relegate the prehistory of science, the more riciccia before, constructing a mythical religious structure. It 's the objective validity of unbridled operations, too often polluted arbitrariness of his presumption. It is considered including the myth means, the only work the schematic of the conditions of its emergence, and never advancing the understanding of its internal law. The systematic nature of its unity. It is delivered to the categories of psychology, dissolved in that fragmentary knowledge of neo-positivist mold. But the mythical consciousness is what determines the basic forms of spiritual civilization, language, forms of knowing. The mythical consciousness is the same abstract universal garments in the first of its immediacy, is the beginning of philosophy who desires its elevation in the motion of its future. And 'consciousness therefore natural concept in the making, the immediacy of the spirit that goes to fill the content without the reality of science. That criticism Absolute. Why? How far to boast? He developed a philosophy of mythology. The fall of an original unity with God in the mythical polytheism. The revelation of the reunification of a mythical consciousness with the Divine on Earth. And 'the revelation of an eternal becoming, in which human life and Divine essence penetrate under a gentle Theogony. E 'sweet melody of the Earth. E 'of a melody Theogony. Detection of a message that awakens the love of the original suction sole worry that the soul is able to feed and let it flow. Greta Mauro. Finoammorire live for you. Why tivogliobbenedammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Mauro: Angel of Passion

Umbertide, June 2010. It 'a contraction and an expansion of the soul which has its headquarters in the heart. And 'the restless movement of the vital spirit of the soul to its object and towards its end. But the passion of the soul is not a disease, and neither is for a reason which will recognize and be aware, that these turbulent motions of the sensitive appetite can have moral value. Why encompassed by the light of reason itself. The passion of the soul is not the disease, if his instinctive blends with that of a willingness to accept the rules of reason. In this way, the passion the man returns to its completeness, the sign of its vitality and its moral strength. The pace of his inner life. Returns to the soul the strength of its powerful ascent, the incalculable direction of orientation irresistible. Revelatory power, devoid of religious certainty to the contingent and sensitive aspect of the world. Why read in the light that is its own. E 'light that radiates from Earth's interior region the world. No transcend anguish because irrationality of a lonely desert, the demonic presence of the unexpected, it is visible on Earth, in the magnificent splendor of the angel. Radiance, the welcoming angel demonic allusion to the ability of things, in the boundless energy of its ambivalent power, permeating the sacredness of the most striking contradiction. And enhances the cow, gives us the strength of a joy of life, while in breathless with his creature. That energy is in the soul its vital principle, and therefore it is the same reason that he found the fruit of his transfiguration, as isfactory rise. Why not have the capacity to remain solely in itself. He mixed it with the limit of a passion, that desire in itself vague that focuses firmly on the ground in the new energy fruit of a sweet presence. Angel Angel is the devil's passion. And 'the intermediarietà of mediation between heaven and Earth. The horizon of the spirit incarnate, nell'espressiva units thanks and prayers, the incessant motion of an abnormal form of becoming. That is the demonic invasion of a vital pre-rational state of mind, capable of recognizing the presence of the Divine inapprensibile Earth. Angelo's passion, is so special about his creation. That man is not divine for the condition that is own, is not even human for the neglect of the outside of his world. Brings with him but something that angelic presence, because it can reveal the strength of a divine connection to the Earth. Angelo's passion is the passion for an Angel. Archetype of beauty that lies in a moderation, and in the warmth of familiarity with the beautiful. Do not strayed from the natural tendency to perpetuate his generation and regeneration in beauty. Why beauty is akin to that of eternity. Because that is the eternal natural beauty of angelic light that inspires passion at the heart of the world. The only purpose that a revival of the human condition to know more to restore. Greta Mauro. Volertibbene finoammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Umbertide, June 2010. And 'ever existed, has always been such. It has existed since the soul, and this is constant and uninterrupted power to the good and the beautiful. It is not without means, but try to bring to maturity what is always already in its possession, and this tends to its completion in the act of a final realization that his time be within welcomes what is always outside of time. So, that is consistent with the feast of the matter. It moves and remains in the field. E 'splendor of life that is soul and that lives in that continuously to restore his acts, so as to expose the primary species in the garden of the uniqueness of a royal order of enormous wealth for the loving donations. They are the thousands of wealth and a thousand splendours with which the intelligence penetrates the soul, making the whole reason to exist and the beauties of which she herself is adorning. My Queen. Ten, hundred, thousand years. Of invisibility, the void of a lack of perfection for the fall actuating actuality. The persistence of that void can go, should be accepted, because of the conditions defined by the inability to fill. Although not so far from being understood, because the real reasons of the splendor originate and proceed from very far. Far from being the time. It 's always been and always will be. But at the same time, reveals the emptiness of a surplus indeterminate matrix which puts in check existential reason. To become the atrocities of a lack in its most painful distance. That nature is unique because it is eternally intoxicating nectar of what remains in itself, makes its concessions outside of time. Splendor of life then becomes the original unit of a force that guides and determines everything from the center vital and creative that permeates everything. Thereby achieving the vision of unified and vital whole. They take out the distances from a false mystique idolatrous, because the distance from the creature of the Divine is thus to be safeguarded. Because again, the soul is guaranteed his own life that will never absorb and hold hostage the authority of Divine light. The strength of a demon it transposes the divine forces humans to communicate to his soul, but only on condition that it carries out its opening in the desire to bear herself in a good light in the garden of a supreme harmony. Splendor of life then fills the chasm between two worlds of the Whole Unit unbreakable. And 'female sensuality that permeates the Divine to secure the fullness of an eternal spirit in the immediacy of being sensible guide to the world. Splendor of life is the strength to love the truth and the good that you never stop pursuing. By virtue of that power everything you do, you take any direction and supports every effort to overcome the dispersion and fragmentation of a changing world. It makes any gesture to follow the trail, the route of a universe of divine light that illuminates the heart of the world. Greta Mauro is the splendor of life for the topicality of this Act, and the power of nuovaforma that is to come. MiaRegina. Finoammorire live for you. Why tivogliobbenedammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth being.

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splendor of life: the act diveniente

Umbertide, June 2010. And 'what appears to be a new freedom for consciousness. A new freedom that goes beyond the mere appearance, because now that consciousness has its own laws, something that has acquired a purely immanent. The image, that image does not relate more to the activity of the spirit as something objective and independent, but becomes an expression and acts as a pure creative force. A consciousness initially as a aesthetics improvised indefinite substance, such as immediacy of a renewed spirit that his pleasure in perfecting the forms of his contemplation. It was pure contemplation. He was recognized as such an image, in and of itself, resolve it in his act of pure function, without an understanding of its substantiality. It was a positive religion that he could not grasp the totality of the sensitive material, because it wanted to dissolve in the pure ideals of the opposition the power of myth. So it was positive to a split which meant getting rid of mythical consciousness. But the process of evolution of a maturing religion is gone, because there is a need now to internalize the contents of that totality, the desire to reach consciousness at the time of the potential of a light. A pure form of religion, it must have at all costs his eternal leap into a transcendent whole. Must necessarily find its docile and smooth with a matching suit and all property that is not expected to act in his ever granted to the heart and mind. In fact, the unexpressed a whole property that lies in his being in and of itself, and not in the intimate structure of a dialogue, never produces, and never implement the development of consciousness. E 'then in its dynamic expression in her come out and interact with otherness, which breaks the whole The merciful veil with which a static form of religion remains forever unspoken. The implementation of a religion in its diveniente substantiality, is then the development and maturation of the element of pure idealism, that is so repressive to loosen its grip on those forces that mythical energy needed to have its natural manifestation. Originally, the content of religious consciousness was in fact the same and did one with the mythical consciousness. The need then is to entertain a new, more intense and lively dialogue with the imaginary world of myth, the belief that the mythical elements, if separated from the content of faith, with or without religion, can only lead to empty abstractions, the denial of genuine historicity, as a way of renewing his being there in the world through the energies emanating from the Earth. That content of faith are already present, because this is the spiritual expression of mythical image as intuition of reality that is no stranger Ac objective of the world, because it is able to maintain the Divine revelation in concrete sensitive . It 's so that the system of universal harmony, the spiritual is no longer involved in the sensible to create a copy of which occur because it is the same freedom to use the myth to welcome the spiritual substantiality of all sensitive within the world. The system of universal then comes to his act, to occur and remain in his eternal and immutable fact of a thought which nourishes the heart of passion. And 'the act of a diveniente substantiality. Because now that image is still huge in the act of a singular consciousness, able to understand its content. He deeply loves the substance. Keep note of that intimately diveniente substantiality in the making way. Visible sky, then turns its immutable form in the most amiable travagio the substance of the heart and the mind knows know to progress as it unfolds. Greta Mauro. Seibbelladammorire. Volertibbene finoammorire is lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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MiaRegina substantiality. I still wonder

Good. The undersigned has a very skillful ability to lose everything you hold dear, and maybe it's vital to say, he is offered generously. Speaking of generosity does not make the idea, because when you lose something absolutely vital, there are no words, no linguistic representations and expressions suitable to define the vacuum state. The soul struggles to resume his normal vitality, as well as, the concept barely tries to break away from the immediacy sensitive to trace its universal significance. I mean obviously the ambit of pure essences and phantasmagoric appearances. I wonder what is the need to bring reality to the heart of a stupid and incomprehensible intelligible, those ideas, those words that bring pride to the extent that their share of triumphant rationality, they burned up all that land to become an intrinsic part conscience, has in its lush passion. You do not have full knowledge of that state, but yet it is clear the difficulty of an overlap, a logical integration of a timeless story and the human who feeds on time, which feeds the conscience of his time. I wonder. And that "I" had already been cited as a Greek translation of a term designating the mystery, the act of putting his finger to his lips to say be quiet. Nothing more, relative to the context, as well as the pure ideal of a contemplative mystic, living in the illusion of a full double layer, the desire to comply with all covered, but instead is hoarding and disconnected, because it placed too far from the creature . In the name of that, they then made the worst crimes that humanity has ever witnessed. Nothing more. Someone spoke. And he did it well, and clearly so effective that the whole world's a bad necks cartel. And still that sign continues to be read as a misunderstanding, especially of: speculating. Enough of this reversal of values, "said Him Some Christian ethics should learn from certain pagan cults, whose devotees do not even remotely touches the idea of \u200b\u200bpronouncing the name of their God I still wonder about the seeming intractable problems that lends itself very well to the danger of a horrible misunderstanding. What then is the usual misunderstanding of a glance, a look at all costs that unity of being and thinking that may be only part of the learning of the subject. That being is what is thought by thought, and thus is pure subjectivity. Imagine then that the Logos, the Word, the Ombudsman, the source of grace and redemption. What horrible requirements, superb quality measures for the illusion to be faithful, in his intellect as a presumption develop strategies useless, what else they simply move away from him, they simply build another new poles of human suffering. And it is difficult to understand, because a representation of the New Testament hardly takes into account crop antagonisms, that concentration which does not dissolve in the absence of opposition blank that is subjected to its rule, but keeps it in harmonious tension. In the event that Being is then defined as that which abstracts from the entire area the thought of happening, to remain pure noetic content, not necessarily has to find its correspondence with all that is conceived. But that's another story. Even if it is the most common of all. My Queen. I still wonder if it is not appropriate to leave the mental masturbation to the continuous and bitter disputes over pseudouniversali. As such, they still continue to litigarseli. Do well. I still wonder if the face of the universe of Conceptualism, can reverberate in a clear manner the amazing clarity of a claim. Tivogliounbenedammorire. For this there is a major indication that can not be the future home of the time. A think a bottom is alternately think, is a reflection in both directions, is a question themselves and give himself some answers. Well. Maybe in that response, the sublime otherness leads to the possibility of a dual commitment: to restart or via Cossa, and finally let it all from behind the Ponte Cavour. And I do mean it. I do it because dazzled by the light more intense than it has ever existed. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.

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Greta Mauro Greta Mauro

Umbertide, June 2010. We stay inside. Trapped. There remains to rot, and then stay dry. And maybe it's a good thing, a release. Liberation from a collective arrogance that does not understand that there is always something existentially so close and this, beyond a strict reasoning. And in truth not even come to be, because that way of understanding the reasons of science, continuous orgasms in adapting the material reaches its goals and technical uses of life, the short view of the utilitarian principle alter the thinking of the long time to collecting his recollection. Find it hard to get overly all'intellettività represent a definable, in the belief that accessibility is worth the world to your reasons for the more skilled work. That revival, after all, was animated by passion, a passion towards everything that could not be conceptualized, and then had to escape the scalpel of logical categories, such as ether phantasmagoric essence. Those fragmented abstractions quantitative, are not so far from the concept of dialectics, in which vortex absorbs and swallows up all of reality, completely ignoring the totality of the qualitative aspects inherent in each individual life. They ignore the fact that there is a colorful story that is becoming of the finiteness of a progressive and never random elevation. Life goes by the force of a free choice, intuition and conscience that gives color to a rich world of existence full of most vital intentionality. That revival, then, was the passion of wanting to return to the philosophy that face that he might not ever want to have, but it was fully engage. Why the need for fundamental philosophy has always been to resolve the reality as such in its character of universality. If so, then the empty abstractions and fragmentation typical of scientism, are nothing more than rational experiments, and as such can never grasp the whole in its unity. Everything that is in fact concentrated in the light of existential realities that are in themselves inconsistent, and therefore, carry with them the contradiction of light and shadow, the claim of their unification. Claim that might reveal what is most discordant, to match the preference of the more common sense than the suggestion untenable glorifies thought. All That, then, can not be identical to itself, so why would not the reality, but pure abstraction. Purely logical principle, not only indimostabile but incommunicable. Hence the problem of the communicability of the true and authentic communication. An existential reality in time and live feeds of the time. It 'so real and concrete that logically there is no room to grab the Absolute, and there is no way of going beyond the limit with which the thought will pass- grasp the abstract identical. Then existing in the magnificence of being flesh and blood so divine. And 'the concrete substantiality of a jump that characterizes the relations of the concrete world of existence, the claim to want to get even just a hug. This is complete and authentic communication. Welcome and watch the light, the more heated passion that we can bring. Greta Mauro. Volertibbenefinoammorire. E 'lucediGreta, the truth of being.